Health & Home Shopping,
100% Duck Feather Mattress Topper AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE SAVE UP TO £7O OFF MRRP —13 There's nothing like the luxury of a duck feather mattress topper., It's like sleeping on a cloud! Enjoy the best night's sleep cocooned in warmth and comfort Achieve possibly the best night's sleep ever as you lay your weary body on the softest Mattress Topper imaginable. No less than 3 INCHES deep, each Mattress Topper is filled with 100% DUCK FEATHERS, making even the hardest mattress a dream to sleep on.
Adding warmth and comfort, the Mattress Topper is placed on top of your mattress and held in position by elasticated straps at each corner. Simply place your sheet over the top and secure as normal. Enjoy the sheer luxury and comfort as the Mattress Topper moulds naturally around your body without reducing essential support to head, neck and spine The Mattress Topper is ideal for the elderly and infirm where just a normal mattress is too hard or for those who feel they deserve a bit of luxury in their life! To order simply ring our credit card ordering service, anytime day or night, send a fax, e mail or complete the coupon and post to us today. If you are not completely satisfied simply return within 30 days for a refund of the purchase price.
B H CD MasterCard/Visa/Switch/Maestro/Delta/Solo ' Card Holders 24 HOUR, 7 DAY SERVICE 0871 871 6088 Ljndmtuhto067l iwnbm wd coit no mon than lOppermmutt. ufc from mot* phonn usuatty cost mote ORDERS ACCEPTED BY FAX 0870 750 0827 or e mail to [email protected] or visit our website BEAUTIFULLY SOFT 100% DUCK FEATHER MATTR 3 11 , of pure feathers on top of your mattress makes even the hardest mattress bliss to lie on Available in Single, Double and King Size.
• 100% DUCK FEATHER FILLING . 3 INCHES DEEP . COVERED IN FEATHER-PROOF COTTON CAMBRIC . ELASTICATED CORNER STRAPS FOR SECURE FASTENING . FITTED BOTTOM SHEETS FIT EASILY OVER TOPPER AND ORDINARY MATTRESS Order now and you can SAVE up to £70 off the MRRP on each size AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE SIZE MRRP SINGLE DOUBLE KING SIZE £79.99 £99.99 £119.99 YOU SAVE £50.04 £60.04 £70.04 OUR PRICE £29.95 £39.95 £49.95 From Only .95 +P&P ADD TO THE LUXURY WITH DUCK FEATHER PILLOWS Make sleep time even more luxurious and comfortable with ' Duck Feather Pillows.
Order one for £12.99 + pip.
»- Order two for £19.99 + pip and save £5.99! Post Orders to: Health & Home Shopping, Dept 4310ST, 47 Brunei Avenue.
Manchester M5 4JB.
If you do not wish to receive mailings from other companies please write separately to Dept NM at the above address To Health & Home Shopping, Dept 4310ST.
47 Brunei Avenue. Manchester MS 4JB. Please send me: ITEM Mattress Topper - Single Mattress Topper - Double Mattress Topper - King Size One Duck Feather Pillow Two Duck Feather Pillows PRICE £2995 . . .
£49.95 £12.99 £1999 OTY Please add £3 95 p&p to entire order ft 35 0 [081 IS • GRAND TOTAL TOTAL £395 I enclose Cheque/PO. (made payable to Health & Home Shopping.
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