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A Jetski

Survivor story After being rescued by Tramore's lifeboat on 26 March, Rob Howorth thanked the RNLI for saving his life: 'I was playing on my friend's jetski inTramore bay, when it stopped running, leaving me in the water. Although I had a wetsuit and lifejacket on, I soon became very cold. Some very kind person noticed me, perhaps because I had been in the same place too long and rang the lifeboat at Tramore.

'They came and got me out in minutes. When I was in the boat I felt worse and they kept me warm and gave me oxygen. They then rang an ambulance... the doctors said my temperature was 22°C and any longer I would have died. I was unconscious for 5 hours. I also hurt my leg-1 didn't feel that until I warmed up! 'A million "thank yous" to the RNLI and the people who helped me ... I would not be here today but for them.'.