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Exhausted crew saved at Aldeburgh After 25 hours at sea, the crew of two on the yacht Svea were in real trouble in rough seas near Aldeburgh. The yacht's sails had blown out and the radio was not working. When the Aldeburgh Mersey class lifeboat Freddie Cooper arrived in the late evening on 17 April 2004, the yacht's crew were too exhausted to secure a tow. Coxswain Lee Firman manoeuvred the lifeboat close enough to transfer one of his crew, but a 6m wave partially knocked the lifeboat over. Lee still managed to negotiate the wave.

In winds gusting up to force 8, the lifeboat attempted the transfer again.

Crew Member David Cook leapt from the lifeboat to the yacht and successfully established the tow. The yacht was taken to Lowestoft where the Lowestoft lifeboat joined them in escorting the yacht safely into harbour..