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ElectroMotion Ltd

An ElectroMotion mobility vehicle " i s proven to make life better k That's the conclusive result of our recent survey of 1,000 users, who were asked for their views on how their vehicles had affected and changed their lives.

93% 90% THE ELECTROMOTION PROMISE FOR YOUR TOTAL PEACE OF MIND Said using their vehicle was safer than walking in winter Regained more independence Became less dependent on others 74% W vl f / m m m /f W m /U 73% Enjoyed a better social life Improved their physical mobility Saved money (on taxis etc.) A I I T|_|IC 3 year no-quibble guarantee 'M-L. IU 3 years insurance cover 3 years breakdown cover Home assessment & tuition t Licensed Credit Broken. Wntten detail! on requeu. FREE and up to 4 YEARS TO PAY!' To: ElectroMotion Ltd, FREEPOST SWC2458, Droitwich WR9 OBR Q Please send me a FREE colour brochure LIFEBOl/07/05s fj Please call me to arrange a FREE home assessment Mr/Mrs/Ms Tel (including STD code) For a FREE brochure or a FREE home test drive call FREEPHONE: 0800 597 7997 OR if you prefer return the completed coupon to the FREEPOST address Udn ss . Postcode.
