Endorsed by Harley Street Orthopaedic Consultant PLUS 1OO runners up prizes of discount and C15O cash for any old bed! A free bed could be yours! Here's a very special and exclusive opportunity for you to win a top of the range Willowbrook adjustable bed. The bed comes with a host of features including hand held electronic control to raise the bed instantly to the position that suits you personally. There's an optional built-in massage therapy system and the beautiful hand made range of mattresses are specially built to your requirements.
Side Sleeping For perfect alignment of the spine Contour Sleeping Ensures total relaxation Feet Raised Ideal for poor circulation or aching feet Head & Feet Raised Respiratory problems and snoring ENTER NOW! CLOSING DATE IS 3OTH JUNE 2OO5 TERMS & CONOfTONS YoLrcriQrK»oofvMnr grebaeedontriervrTi}ero(antne6rBc«»i«d rinpijThtrjoonocoaoafii tTTio Tilt rioroLntOmirtablo off our mtrt pro tot dated Jan 06 and arty apples to eiectrcaly powered adjuetaDto beds. For a copy o* the offlcd fUes. please send a stamped salt addressed envelope to tr» addreae n the coupon Al entries reoebed before 30th -Ane 2005 vjt be entered nto our montrty dmw and tne wmer wl raceme any bed from our Bie range. Entry s fertted to one per houwhokl 7hertorrr«ointrieV»3wtrookSup estr Anyperaon vrfo engages in any uvMhortwd actMty n I'rtaoi to the rtomiesxy ertal be tebte to cmwia) proaecubon and cams tor CM and crmnaJ damages.
act: Over 9O% of Willowbrook bed users sleep better Our recent survey of thousands of our customers confirmed that a Willowbrook adjustable bed actually helps reduce pain. On average, over 90% experienced a better night's sleep.
d Arthritis 92% d Back Pain 93% d Hiatus Hernia 9O% d Poor Circulation 93% d Leg Oedema 92% d Pressure Sores 89% d Aches and Pains 94% d Comfort/Wellbeing 94% d Emphysema 91% d Bronchitis 91% , d Insomnia 91% d Snoring 89% A D J U S T A B L E B E D S To enter the Draw, simply fill in and return the freepost entry form below (no stamp required) or call our 24hr freephone Or post this entry form to: Free Bed Prize Draw, Willowbrook, FREEPOST SWC2458, Droitwich WR9 OBR ZjRease enter me in your Free Prize Draw to win a Willowbrook adjustable bed Mr/Mrs/Ms Daytime Tel yo*r phone ntrtoer so MO can contact you * you'ma Address Postcode LFB/BC 4/05.