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Page & Moy

It is not only the stunning and varied birdlife that makes a visit to Greenland unforgettable, but also the most breathtaking and spectacular landscapes in the world. There will be opportunities for whale watching and listen to our fascinating on-board speakers, as you let your worries drift away on a truly unforgettable voyage aboard the Black Prince.

Greenland & Arctic Circle 2 l(i August 2005. U nights from £1699 Departs Liverpool. Return flight to Manchester.

Our guest speaker will be Sue Stockdale, first ever British woman to walk to the- Magnetic North Pole. Sue recently took part in the Channel programme, "Superhumanr Ports of call: Tobermory, Tonhavn, Akurryri, Reykjavik, Prim Ckristiansund (rruiting). Qaqortoq, Nauk, Eqip Glacier, /tulissat, Sisimiut and Kaagtrtussuaq.

Iceland, Greenland &The Faroes Hi - '.W August 2005. 14 nights from £lti!)!l Fly from Gatwick. Sail back to Southampton.

Our guest speaker is famed wildlife photographer Ian Rumley-Dawson who will entertain us with illustrated talks on the wildlife of the areas we are visiting. Ports of call: Kangertvssuaq. Sisimial. Hulissat, Eqip Glacier, Nuuk, Qaqorloq, Prins Christiansund (cruising), Reykjavik, Akureyri, Torshavn andStornoway.

• Call today: 08700 106 430 iBTA J Please Quote Brochure Ref: D02022 l.inei open: Weekdays 9am 7.,t(lpm. Weekends 9am • 5pm. Call] may be monitored.

136-140 l-ondon Road, Leicester, LE2 IEN. The Black Prince The Black Prince has a relaxed and informal atmosphere lhat has earned it the enviable reputation of the friendliest ships ;iflo;il. l;ull stabilised and ;iir cundilioned, il I n i . i . i - c i I ' l l ' ni "• l i ' i . i n l k'isiin facilities, including a choice of bars, restaurants and lounges, LIS well as outdoor and indoor swimming pools and a casino.

The high standards of cuisine combined with the abundance of entertainment available make any cruise aboard the Black Prince a memorable experience.

The Price Includes v All on-board gratuities.

[jT] Kn suite cabin accommodation.

[ | All on board meals and entertainment.

0 Experienced Page &Moy cruise staff on board.

Shore Excursions Our cruise itineraries are planned so you cruise through the night and most days can be spent ashore.

A full range of optional excursions are available on every cruise.

Travel Arrangements Return coach travel from 77 departure points throughout the UK only £15 pcr person. And to make things even easier, your luggage is loaded on to the coach and then delivered directly to your cabin.

It's easygoing SMOY.