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Feature: First Impressions

The week of The Queen's visit saw Castletownbere lifeboat crew immersed in training at the College. They were getting to grips with their new Severn class Lifeboat, Annette Mutton, and so were on hand to aid Her Majesty's departure. We asked them what they thought of their course, the new College and the big day How did you rate the training? Joseph O'SuitivanJnr. 'The course was an excellent way of gaining knowledge of our new lifeboat. We were taken through each mechanical feature and given thorough explanations.' Paddy O'Conor: Very good. There were limitations, as it was a special week, but the trainers did a fine job.' What were your first impressions of the College? Paul Stevens: 'It's an impressive facility - it should be of great benefit to crews.1 Brendan Connelly: 'Beautiful.' What did you think of the facilities? Paddy Very good, especially the accommodation. It was a help to have everything centralised.' Coxswain Brian O'Driscoli: 'The classrooms, Survival Centre and simulator were excellent.

And the staff? Second Coxswain Michael Martin-Sullivan: 'They were very friendly. They knew their stuff.' Joseph: 'The staff were friendly and well informed.1 How does the College compare with previous training facilities? Brian 'Much advanced and much needed.' Paddy: 'Terrific.' How did your day go during the Royal opening? Brendan; 'It was a great day for the RNLI we were delighted to be part of it.'excellent.1 and Michael: 'I enjoyed every minute. It was a great honour to crew a lifeboat with Royalty on board.' What was your overall impression of the week? Brendan: 'It worked well - we had a good team.1 Joseph: 'I enjoyed my stay and meeting the staff.' Would you recommend the College to other crews? Brian. 'I would, because it is a good learning environment, with others who want to leam.

You get to meet other crews and hear about their experiences.1 Brendan: 'Yes. It is so well organised, it has to be a success.' Any other comments? Paul: 'Well done to all! The Lifeboat College will greatly enhance training for the crews of the future.1 Brian: 'I think the College will be of great benefit to lifeboat crews and it is good to see it open at last.' Following their busy week, the crew took the Annette Hutton back to Ireland, continuing their training on the passage home. The new lifeboat had not yet reached Castletownbere when she received her first mayday call - and both Baltimore and Castletownbere lifeboats launched to assist. The Annette Hutton arrived on scene just as two casualties were recovered from the sea but it was a great opportunity for the crew to use the new lifeboat in a real emergency.

Lifeboat and crew arrived home in style on 2 August 2004, welcomed by huge crowds and a flotilla of 50 boats. Their first 'real1 shout was on 11 August..