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Lost Photdgraphiof the RNLI By Edward Wake-Walker Published by Sutton Publishing ISBN 0750937181 Price: £25 • , .

Legendary lifeboat rescues are brought vividly to life in this w book by former* RNU PR Director Edward Wake-Wa.lieer.The ok celebrates the rediscovery of an historic collection of dramatic photographs, borrowed from the RNLI 56 years ago by an eccentric explorer.

Sometime in 1948, a collection of 37 photographs was borrowed from the RNLI by the American explorer, writer and film maker, Amos Burg. The photographs were never returned to the RNLI but were recently discovered in a shack in Alaska.

The collection includes pictures of Henry Blogg, probably the most famous lifeboatman of alt time, and of one of his celebrated medal-winning rescues. Stories included are of heroic rescues and tragic disasters, which include photos and accounts of Second World War lifeboat rescues. RNLI wartime records are scarce, so these photographs are of special value. It covers the years 1897 to 1948 when motor lifeboats began to replace pulling and sailing boats.

Together, these stories shed light on one of the most formative 50-year periods in RNLI history. They start at the turn of the 20th century, when the only chance of survival for shipwrecked crew rested on the grim determination of ten men at the oars of a pulling lifeboat. They take the reader through the days of the first motorised lifeboats, when crews' early mistrust of mechanisation was soon replaced by enthusiastic and expert deployment.

Edward worked for the RNLI for 28 years. He has a profound knowledge of RNLI history and has travelled widely throughoutthe UK and Republic of Ireland, meeting and writing about many of the most well-known lifeboat coxswains.

Lost photographs of the RNLI is available from RNLI Sales.

Please see page 40 for ordering details, or phone the orderline number on 0870 6001824 - please quote code 02224.Sailing - a beginner's guide By David Seidman Published by Adlard Coles Nautical ISBN 0713668741 Price: £14.99 'There are many who sail but few who are sailors,' says author David Seidman in his introduction to the book, which, as well as helping people to begin safely enjoying the water, offers to help them become sailors.

The guide includes the nuts and bolts of subjects such as buoyancy and weather, but it is clear that Seidman treats sailing more as an SAILING A BEGINNER'S GUIDE art than a science. Chapters range from working winds and getting underway to emergencies and navigation, each assisted by simple illustrations, the occasional quote and a touch of history.

Hailed as 'one of the most easily understood books on the subject' in the maritime press, this is a truly useful guide for all ages - and there are still bound to be nuggets of information for those who are a little more familiar with the sea. Copies are available from all good bookshops or by calling Adlard Coles Nautical on 020 7758 0200.Fowey: a busy harbour By Gerry Hones Gerry takes a fond look at everyday life in Fowey harbour, his childhood home. The booklet includes the work of Fowey lifeboat crews and some interesting stories about this beautiful part of the Cornish coastline.

Fowey: a busy harbour is priced at £3.50 (including postage and packaging) and copies are available direct from the author at 3 Manor Park.Weston, Bath BAT 3RH. Please make cheques payable to Gerry Hones. All profits go to the RNLI.The history of the Aith lifeboats The closed lifeboat stations of Kent By Jeff Morris The honorary archivist of the Lifeboat Enthusiasts' Society continues his sterling work in researching the history of RNLI lifeboats. His latest two books cover Aith, in Shetland - the RNLI's most northerly station, as featured in the winter 2003/04 issue of the Lifeboat - and the early, now closed, stations of Kent.

Both books are available direct from the author at 14 Medina Road, Coventry CV65JB.

The history of the Aith lifeboats is priced at £3.50 and The closed lifeboat stations of Kent is priced at £2.50 (prices include postage and packaging). Please make cheques payable to Jeff Morris. All profits go to the RNLI.Voices from the sea Selsey's coastguards, divers, fishermen, lifeboat crew members and other sea stories By Ruth Cocks Voices from thesea records the fascinating stories of Selsey seafarers in their own words. The author, who can trace her Selsey roots back hundreds of years, spent 16 months interviewing lifeboat crew members, coastguards, divers, fishermen and other locals with memories of Selsey sea life. Introduced by eminent astronomer and Selsey local Sir Patrick Moore, the book also includes lifeboat rescue accounts.

Voices from the sea is priced at £ 17 (plus £3.50 postage and packaging) and copies are available direct from the author: telephone 01243 601272 or email [email protected]. All profits from Lifeboat magazine-related sales go to Selsey lifeboat station.Rescue at sea By Clayton Evans Published by Chrysalis Books ISBN 0851779344 Price: £35 Canadian Coast Guard Coxswain Clayton Evans has spent a decade gathering material from all over the world to create this reference and general interest book that deals with organised coastal lifesaving and rescue at sea, from the earliest times to the present day. The RNLI has a prominent position within the book, having led the development of both all weather and inshore lifeboats.

The book is split into four sections, all of which are easy to follow with some excellent photographs and diagrams. The first charts the history of coastal lifesaving from the 1700s through to the present day. Section two traces the development of coastal rescue craft. Although comprehensive and thoroughly researched I felt that the development of the modern lifeguard rescue boat, which was 'invented' by Australian lit, guard Warren Mil; 'ir-ii. would have made an interesting addition. Warren saw the RNLI's D class during the 1960s and took the idea back to New South Wales. The third section looks at the role of the rescue helicopter, offshore patrol boat, global search and rescue and communications network, and the roles that some other rescue agencies undertake. The last section is a comprehensive compendium of rescue services around the world.

This book should appeal to anyone interested in international lifeboating and will serve as the definitive reference book for years to come.

Reviewed by Adam Wooler, Staff Officer Operations (Beach Lifeguards).

Copies are available from RNLI Sales (see page 9 for ordering details) or from all good bookshops. The publishers will pay £2.50 to the RNLI* for every book sold.

'Payments are made to RNLI (Enterprises) Ltd, which pays all its taxable profits to the RNLI..