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Page & Moy

Explore what's on your doorstep with these two wonderful cruises from Page & Moy. Enjoy sleepy harbour towns and vibrant cities, beautiful countryside and spectacular coastlines on these eye-opening trips around our fascinating islands.

Discover the Emerald Isle Sail from Ijvr rpool.

24 July '1 August 2005.!) nights from £«!)!» This fascinating summer cruise allows you to discover the beautiful inlets, pretty harbour towns and »ia%HMitn i - i i I M i ' i u - i v thai lu-laml ha ID u l l i ' i .

Ports of call: Hangar, Killybegi, Cleggan, Dingle, Cobh, hits ofScilly, Waterford, Dublin Around the British Isles Sail from Harwich 26June - 4 July 2005. 8 nights from £74! Winding its way around the British Isles, this eclectic spring cruise combines stunning coastline scenery « i i h bustling historical lowns. Ports of fait: Kirkwall, Tobermory, Dublin, hies ofScilly, Cherbourg, Tower Bridge London • Call today: 08700 106 430 ABTA J Please Quote Brochure Ref: D01916 Llnei open: Weekdays 9am • 7.30pm. Weckendi 9am - 5pm. Calli may be monitored.

136-140 London Road, Leicester, I . K 2 1EN. It's easygoing The Black Prince & Ocean Majesty The Black Prince 6? Ocean Majesty have a relaxed and informal atmosphere and are two of the friendliest ships afloat. Fully stabilised and air-conditioned, they boast excellent on-board leisure facilities, including a choice of bars, restaurants and lounges, as well as outdoor and indoor swimming pools and a casino.

The Price Includes 0 All on-board gratuities.

0 En-suite cabin accommodation.

0 AM on-board meals and entertainment.

y] Experienced Page &Moy cruise staff on board.

Shore Excursions Our cruise itineraries are planned so you cruise through the night mid most days can be spent ashore.

l u l l 1 . I F ! V ,.| uphill!..] VI HIM. i ] ] . .

are available on every cruise.

Travel Arrangements Return coach travel from 77 departure (minis throughout the UK only £l.ri per person. And to make things even easier, your luggage is loaded on to the coach and then delivered d i r e c t l y i" your cabin.