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Exeter Friendly

Enjoy retirement even more with Private Medica Insurance from as little as £32 per month.* Welcome to Shared Care from Exeter Friendly Society - the new affordable approach to Private Medical Insurance. Shared Care gives you the flexibility to determine the size of premiums you want to pay and create the cover you want. And remember, unlike virtually any other medical insurer we never int rease your subscriptions simply because you get older.

So the age you join is Ihe age you stay.* r,,11 u, on 08080 55 65 75 or visit t in: ,i I P S year old applicant with bask unt-r.

* Provided yrwir inter n-m.nui, unchanged. Subscriptions art- review**/ In take Miount nl /ipii/ii .il inil.ttion, (he general ( /JI/DS experience within the jiljn jnd other rele 'diit Mcfors If you are 79 years of age or under please telephone 08080 55 65 75 or compleie this t oupon for more infotmanon Mr/MrVMs Ages of people lo be covered Address Postcode Telephone number un which we can phone you General Insurance IONDMD1COUXOL Cuirenl Insurer RenewJI Dale Please !i k ix it vou ih not i .mt tu receive intorm.ition un related produds from our group of companies Q felefihone calls may be recorded tor quality assurance and training purposes.

Exeler Friendly Society Ltd. Ukeside House. Emperix Way, Exeter EX1 JFD e-niail:saks® Exeter Friendly — Society.