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Feature: the Lifeboat College

Shaping the future It feels Like a long time since the RNLI announced it intended to build a training college in Poole. Construction started in 2002 and since then hundreds of men and women have laboured to make The Lifeboat College vision a reality The Lifeboat College opens in July 2004 - artist's impression The Lifeboat College will open its doors soon, with the preparatory work now in its final stages. The college will host its first training course in early July 2004 and the official opening will take place later that month. Sue Hennessy, College Principal, is delighted that the college will be ready for action in the summer. 'We are a very special organisation and I personally want everyone who comes here to feel a warm welcome and benefit from the excellent training we'll provide.' Education and training have always been integral to the work of the RNLI and the major investment in The Lifeboat College reflects the Institution's commitment to its crews. The RNLI was recognised in 2003 by the National Training Awards for the high quality, innovative approach it takes to training its 4,500 crew members and the Institution is keen to maintain this high standard. Sue Hennessy comments: This recognition of the absolute quality of our training clearly demonstrates the importance that the RNLI attaches to training its crews to cope in the extraordinary circumstances they are called to - circumstances in which training can literally mean the difference between life and death.' With crews increasingly coming from backgrounds other than fishing and sea-faring, expansion in training is timely. The RNLI is aware that the facilities currently provided in Cowes and headquarters are somewhat overstretched. With the growth in requirements to train crews more thoroughly in areas such as health and safety, plus new competence-based training, the RNLI needs to expand its facilities.

This new college will enable us to improve greatly the specialist facilities needed to provide our crews with all aspects of the training they should have to prepare them for the demands of saving lives at sea.' College Principal Sue Hennessy This new purpose-built centre will bring together the full spectrum of the RNLI's training delivery under one roof for the very first time. The college will also gather educational training resources to distribute to the RNLI's regional centres and lifeboat stations providing back-up advice and information too. This will ensure everyone has the learning support they need to reach their own potential - wherever they are in Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland.

As well as being an operational training establishment, the College will serve the training needs of other volunteers and staff.

The Lifeboat College has been designed to reflect the high standards for which the RNLI is renowned. It will have the facilities one would expect to find in a first-class residential training environment. It will be a centre where colleagues and friends can train, learn and exchange experiences with each other. Sue hopes visitors will quickly realise that The Lifeboat College is much more than a training centre: 'It is, without question, a very special "home" for all committed RNLI people.' The Lifeboat College has been made possible through the continuing generosity of RNLI supporters, who have provided the funds to meet the costs of the building. Every effort has been taken to ensure that this money has been spent well so as to provide a training environment fit for the purpose of preparing crews to save lives at sea.

The RNLI purchased the land for the college at a fortuitous time, when land prices were lower, and it was paid for by legacies specifically designed for this purpose. The RNLI is confident of realising a substantial saving over the present arrangements: all in all the college will save the RNLI well over £1M a year- money that is currently spent on hotel accommodation and training rooms.

From 1 July 2004 it will be expected that all 'internal' visitors to headquarters will no longer use costly hotels in the Poole area and instead use the bedroom facilities in The Lifeboat College. There are 60 singleoccupancy en-suite bedrooms, which can be booked separately from the training/meeting facilities. The bedrooms are equipped with all the features of a modern hotel, as well as workstations and modem connections. The college also boasts the 100-seat Riggers Restaurant with fabulous views across the harbour, the Slipway bar and a fitness suite.

Lifeboat crews and their families can make personal bookings at a reduced rate, perhaps for an extended stay before or after a training course, or for a weekend break at another time during the year. There are three pairs of bedrooms with adjoining doors, suitable for family use, and three bedrooms accessible to wheel chair users. Coast and other volunteers, RNLI staff and RNLI Family association members will also be able to stay at the college at the rates shown below.

In the new college building there are conference facilities, all with the very latest audio-visual equipment. The main auditorium seats up to 120 people, making it ideal for RNLI big events. For smaller meetings and training sessions, there are four seminar rooms.

'Our hope is that delegates will enjoy the best possible service at the College and leave with an appreciation of the voluntary emergency service we provide.' Sue Hennessy On occasions when there is spare capacity, the RNLI will be able to hire the space out to our clients and partners as a way of helping to raise vital funds. Preferred clients will be other organisations with lifesaving missions, both national and international; charities; government agencies; organisations and companies within the Poole area. For all these, special rates will apply. The RNLI hopes to attract other organisations and companies who will be welcomed into the RNLI home. Internal bedroom rate other volunteers, RNLl staff and RNLI Family association Mid week (Sun-Thurs): Weekend (Fri-Sat) £45 Bed and breakfast £57.50 Dinner, bed and breakfast £30 Bed and breakfast £40 Dinner, bed and breakfast No charge for children if staying in the same room as parent(s).

Meal charges for children as selected from menu.

Only breakfast will be charged for spouses/partners staying before or after a course.

Please telephone 0870 833 2000 or email [email protected] for more information or to make a booking.

If you are part of an organisation or company that is interested in using this new training and conferencing facility, please contact the RNLI for a brochure with more details and rates. Please telephone 0870 833 2000 or email [email protected] for more information. The RNLI is taking external bookings from 1 September 2004.