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ARCTIC CIRCLE EXPRESS - Stockholm, the Arctic Circle and fjords of Western Norway — Travel with the UK's leading specialist in holidays by rail on this wonderful 15-day tour of Sweden and Norway. A friendly and professional Tour Manager accompanies all departures so sft back, relax and enjoy the scenic variety of the mountains and fjords in this beautiful and remote area of Europe.

Day I * Fly to Stockholm Ry by British Airways London to Stockholm for two nights close to the crry centre and Old Town.

Day 2 * Sightseeing in Stockholm Morning sightseeing of Sweden's capital. Afternoon free, perhaps visit the Wasa, a royal flagship which sank in the harbour on her maiden voyage in 1628.

Dty 3 * North by sleeper train Travel by overnight sleeper to Kiruna In 2-bwth sleepers. Watch out for wildlife as the train heads north through the remote wilderness of Northern Sweden's lakes and forests.

Day 4 * Sightseeing in Lapland Arrive in Kiruna, visit the Lapp village of Juktasjarvl and also take an exciting ride down die largest iron ore mine In the world. Continue on the Ofoten Railway, one of the most northerly and wild rail routes In Europe, to Narvik for two nights.

Day 5 » Free in Narvik An opportunity to visit the wartime resistance museum or take a cable car ride.

Day 6 * South toTrondheim Travel south by coach and train, crossing the Arctic Grde again before arriving in Trondheim for two nights.

Day 7 * Sightseeing in Trondheim Sightseeing to include die Nidaros cathedral and fascinating music museum at Ringve.

D«y 8 • Into Fjord country The journey south from Trondheim Is by coach for a tour of some of Norway's most spectacular fjord scenery. Stay two nights in Gelranger at the head of the fjord.

Dmy 9 * Cruising dw narrow Gelranger Fjord One of the most spectacular fjords in Norway with almost vertical sides and huge waterfalls.

Day 10 * By coach through Fjord country Leave Geiranger and continue to Film, at the head of die Sognefjord and terminus of the Flam Railway. Soy two nights in Film.

Day 11 • FUm Rairwty excursion Leaving from the fjord side, die Flim RaiKvay is considered to be one of Europe's most spectacular railway lines, winding its way up the mountains, past thundering waterfalls.

Day 12 • Over the mountains to Vbss The journey from Rim Is via Stalheim and over die mountains to the resort ofVoss for two nights.

Day 13 * AtVoss on the lakeside A free day in this attractive town.

Day 14 # The Bergen Railway Leave Vbss by train for the spectacular journey over die Bergen Railway to Oslo for an overnight stay.

Day 15 # Fly to London By high-speed rail link to the airport for die flight to London, arriving early afternoon.