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Exeter Friendly Society

Exeter Friendly Society 'At last we've found affordable Private Medical Insurance for the over 50's.

Exeter Friendly Society offers healthcare insurance for the over 50's that is hard to beat.

Unlike virtually any other medical insurer we never increase your subscriptions simply because you gfi older. So the age you join is the age you stay.* For more information call us on Q8080 55 65 75 or viM1 Kyware 79 years of age or under please telephone 08000 55 65 75 or complete this coupon for mtxe ir if on nation.

Mr/Mr VMs AROS o( people to be covered Address Postcode Telephone number on which we can phone you Current Insurer Renewal Date Please lick box if you donol want to receive information on related products from our group of companies [ Telephone calls may be recorded and monitored for quality assurance and training purposes.

Fxeter friendly Society Ltd. lakeside House, Emperor Way, Exeter EX1 )FD e-mailsal«*Sexeterfn ISM -.nm is n-i'i'i i.

&E* IEU •Subscript «Jrt of medical inflat M rt/im the p / *ISOVUDI UUHTUMI HUM .eter Fri Society s are reviewed K.

f n, ihe genrr,i! t an and other rel MEMBER General Insurance ilAWOAMJi COJHCH sndly — take account 5 latins experience. o 'vant factors. F.