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The Bradford Exchange

24HR FREE Order Hotline 0800 107 3072 Quote Reference: PI93513 PRIORITY ORDER FORM c5£££ oSSw The Westie Collection To: The Bradford Exchange. Ltd, PO Box 6SJ, SU ke-on-Tnrnl S 4RA D 1 would like lo order "Ready for Trouble' - firs! sculpture in Tbr VTeaie OJIffttfin If I tleadf lo keep i!, tiinhi-r xiilptures in ihe serii*s will ix; sem in mi1 Jt ihe r.iie i f one per month.

n 1 would like 10 order 'Ready for Trouble" only. 1 do not wish io new further stulpiuio m ihe scru-s WhifheuT option I cbiniM.1. 1 undi-rMand ih.n I NEED SEND NO MONEY NOW I'll-.!-*-bill me in livo insulmt-nis of i l i 'K (plusi2.W pApi when im fina srulpturt- i-- ready tor ilevp.ilch. llii* pbtes me under nn nhli iiinn and ! jm tree [o iarirt-1 Jl .m link' jtue i Mr Mrs !iv- Ms . Postiiide IXiie of Binh . J. 9 Signalure If yoimibndy l Bridl.nlGuhingr Qua*, ftrae mminmi AitduMNo I'k-jM' ink Ix.i il KKI jn- unlcnnsi ihi ~ni!|Huic j- j loft I [ From linn-1« lime lite BnJfonJ h lunur nuy jll.i" uMulh unxncil mmpani loi-onwclynu. If you done* wcji !o mi-nc nuih iittco. pluw in.-k box P i THE BRADFORD EXCHANGE Office, il • Chiiif* • Frukhn • Lc.J.i - Loiioi ii:,..i.i . M01lb=l. - S,J.

Order Ref: Pl".«13 The Westie Collection' THE BEDFORD EBCHANGB 369-DAY BUY-BACK 1,1 K MI1 If lur .my reason you ,tiv nm i-umpkldv s.ui-.|gi-d. vini i niir xiilplute in us .11 .my lime wilhm line year jller ynu m i IM n *t- ill send you a ehec)ue Inr ihe :ull I—in- [win-. Mihout i|iieMion.

Jilts guarunttv fc til adtlttuin tn iiiir aatultiry rivliti 1 : sucr**-f Living iih j vstif is like living with :i minitorn atlo.When you relax after lit- odlapses into the.1 deepest ol sleeps tollimini; Ins exliauslini; walk.

Ix- .irned he's al .i s aleri and 'Ready lorTroublc .

So it' [here s the slii-htt-M noise, he'll rush to protect ou iih ferocious harking, exeited leaps ... and seriou.s licking.

Now you can admire the beauty of one of Britain's most popular pets in The Westic ('.oltvilion - ihe firsi-tver ensialline sfiilptural series 10 teat lire this lx-lo ed doy.These eneluiuinii porir.nts In Dehhie (lillingham are captured in glistening er stalline sculptures that will go straight to the heart of -nnnne who has ever owned a pet' The i'stii' (.nlh'Ctinn is issued in support of PDSA, which will directly benefit from the sale ol each sculpture*. Strong demand is expected, and as the edition of each sculpture is strictly limited to just 2s! crafting da s. UHI are adx'ised to order .is soon as possihk' in a uid dis.ippoiinment.

To order this delighiiul sculptural collection today - fully hacked b tlie Bnidford Exchange Vo-day buy-back guarantee - just complete the Priority Order Form, or call the Order Hotline FREE on 0800 107 3072..