As an RNLI member or supporter, when you join Britannia Rescue 2.5% of your road rescue premium goes to help vital RNLI work. Britannia Rescue has now also extended its discount to your sons and daughters, so they too can get up to 15% discount - even more ways for RNLI to benefit.
Britannia Rescue cover starts from just £5.95 per month and for an extra £3.60 a month, they'll also provide personal cover so you and your partner can drive or travel in any private car. What's more, Britannia Rescue's friendly courteous staff always give priority to anyone who finds themselves in a vulnerable situation.
These are just some of the reasons why RNLI is pleased to promote Bntannia Rescue as its official motoring rescue scheme* when travelling within the UK and republic of Ireland. Whatever you need you get the response you're looking for. So join today, just quote special rate code: RNLI LB 07/03.
call 0800 591563 or visit BRITANNIA RESCUE £60.65 Green Flag £77.00 RAC £78.00 AA £62.00 BRITANNIA RESCUE Lifeboats Only one Road Rescue Service helps save lives at sea • r n»1*nc« * UK RtcoMiy Mi/03 prici canpKucn lo ne*« cailnucui piymurt rosBiod Pncm cnincl *l tan» ol gang to Bnlwnu Roicua l» a ndudM RNLI * oajni • UK rmdanti orty.