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QUALITY VITAMINS FOR A HEALTHY L I F E S P A N Glucosamine with MSM, _M_arine Chondroitin & Vit C Our most economical 'Mu Ill-act ion' Glucosamine product contains AOOmg of Glucosamme, lOOmg of 'Marine' Chondroitin, 50mg of MSM and 60mg of Vitamin C.

360 Tablets Ginkgo Biloba - 60mg Extract Each tablet contains 60mg of iiandardised Gink|o extract equivalent lo )000mg of whole Ginkgo leaves. This formula guarantees U.img of Flavone Glycosides per tablet.

560 Tablets lipo-Carn* 'Anti-ageing' I Research at University of California showed this formula may have 'anti-ageing' properties. Each pack contains 60 tablets of 200mg Alpha lipoic Acid IAIAI and 60 table's of 250mg Act tyk-Carmtine IALCI.

120 Tablets '50 Plus' Vitamins and Minerals As we get older various systems slow down and our nutrient needs alter. 'JO Plus' contains a balance of 20 essential nutrients lo help maintain good health for the over 50's.

180 Tablets ealthsnan 360 Tablets £7-95, ealthspan Our Glucosamine Price is truly sensational! Our price of £7.95 includes FREE Post and Packaging worth £1.95. Fora fair comparison, please remember that most of our competitors usually add on an extra £1.95 for P&P to the price they quote! Each of our tablets contains 750mg of pure pharmaceutical grade Glucosamine Sulphate! SAVE £2.00 ON NORMAl PRICE OF £9.95 LIFEBOAT MAGAZINE R E A D E R O F F E R Pure Cod Liver Oil - 570mg Healthspan use only the puresi Icelandic Cod Liver Oil. This is then concentrated to provide 50mg of EPA * 70mg of DHA (valuable Omega) fatty acids) per gelatin free capsule.

360 Capsules Co-Enzyme QlO-50mg i Co-enzyme QiO is a substance found in all our body cells, which helps release energy from food. Healthspan's Co-QIO contains UOmgl of pure pharmaceutical grade Co-QIO.

120 Capsules Echinacca - 160mg Extract J Each tablet contains ibOmg of highly concentrated extract obtained from )200mg of fresh herb. For extra immune support, vitamin C has been added at 100% RDA, 120 Tablets VitaminC500mg+Btoflavonotds This superior Healthspan formulation contains Bioflavortoids. found naturally in citrus fruits which improves the uptake of vitamin C and provides other valuable health benefits.

360 Tablets vegetarian FREE POSTAGE & PACKING WITH EVERY ORDER! There are 4 easy ways you can order your TAX FREE Vitamins today! * By Phone: Using our FREEPHONE number shown below.

Our phone lines are now open 7 days-a-week from 9am until 6pm.

ffleose hove your Credit Cora details ready and quote the code in the yellow box - bot torn right).

•#• By Post: By filling in this order form, enclosing a Cheque or PO made payable to 'Healthspan' and post it 1 • Healthspan Ltd, PO Box 64, Park Street.

St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 iBT.

* By Fax: Cut out the order form and fax it to us anytime onOIMI 713790 •# Online: Go online to: MOOVCT DESCRIPTION SOI-MUCf QTK TOTAIU) Concentrated Cod liver Oil Co-Enzyme QiO tchinacea with Vitamin C •50 Plus' Vitamins 4 Minerals Ginkgo Biloba Glucosamine, Chondroiiin. MSM Glucosamine Sulphate 75omg lipo-Carn* (Anti-ageing) Vitamin C » Bioflavonoids J60 « £ 6-95 120 e El*'?' , ,. ., 180 «£ 8-9! }60«£ 8-9; )60«C 795 U0« tH95 160 0£ 995 • FREE POSTAGE A PACKING WORTH £l-9S FREE Total order value £ ealthspan FOR A HEALTHY LIFESPAN Name (Mr. Mrs, Mi): Address: , Cos! rode: Telephone: Please debit my Mastercard / Vita / Switch Is • , (.11 Expirrl: Please allow 10 days lor delivery. Items may be sent separately, so there may be a small delay between times of receipt. Offer expires W.06.03.

RNLI-FA FREEPHONE 080073 12377 Lines are open 7 days-a-week from 9am until 6pm.