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"Arthritis Beaten Today "Arthritis Beaten Today'." has already fascinated thousands of readers across Europe and USA. In his book. Dr Sands discusses his research at the San Diego clinic into the arthritic process, as well as investigating a new natural supplement called CMO that he - i believes could be an effective C substance in relieving pain.

Dr Sands goes further to question the authenticity of some CMO sources, staling that it is buyer beware for this product.

Arthritis Beaten Today!1 is available in the UK and you too can now read this fascinating book, written by a man who is passionate about the subject, for Dr Sands himself is a former arthritis sufferer To get your personal copy, please complete the coupon below or telephone, our credit card hotline on the number below for a FAST RESPONSE by Dr Lftt Sands Please quote code LBOI when ordering.

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