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S A L E S A L E S A L E S A L E ealthsnan QUALITY VITAMINS AT OUR BEST EVER PRICES! Glucosamine with MSM, Marine Chondroitin & Vit C Our most economical 'Multi-action' Glucosamine product contains 4QOmg of Glucosamme, lOOmg ol 'Marine' Chondroitm, 50mg of MSM and 60mg of Vitamin C.

SALE Price 360 Tablets Ginkgo Biloba - 60mg Extract J 360 Tablets £7-95 Each tablet contains 60mg of standardised Ginkgo extract equivalent to )000mg of whole Ginkgo leaves. This formula guarantees U.4mg of Flavone Glycosides per tablet.

SALE Price 360 Tablets- Lipo-Carn" 'Anti-ageing1 Research at University of California showed this formula may have 'anti-ageing' properties. Each pack contains 60 tablets of ZOOmg Alpha Lipoic Acid I ALA) and 60 tablets of 250mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine (AlCI.

SALE Price 120 Tablets '50 Plus' Vitamins and Minerals Co-Enzyme QlO-30mg Co-enzyme Q10 is a substance found m all our body celK, which helps release energy from food. Healthspan's Co-QIC contains (30mg) of pure pharmaceutical grade Co-QIO, SALE Price 120 Capsules Pure Cod Liver Oil - 570mg Our Glucosamine Sale price is truly sensational! Our SALE price of £7-95 includes FREE Post and Packing worth £i '95. For a fair comparison, please remember that most of our competitors usually add on an extra £1-95 for P&P to the prices they quote! Each of our tablets contains 750mg of pure pharmaceutical grade Glucosamine Sulphate! As we get older various systems slow down and our nutrient needs alter, '50 Plus' contains a balance of 20 essential nutrients to help maintain good health for the over 50's SALE Price 180 Tablets LOWEST PRICE EVER! Healthspan use only the purest sources of Icelandic Cod Liver Oil, This is Ihen concentrated to provide 5umg of EPA +•70mg of OHA (valuable Omega J fatty acids) per capsule.

SALE Price 360 Capsules Echinacea - 160mg Extract Each tablet contains 160mg of highly concentrated extract obtained from )200mg of fresh herb. For extra immune support, vitamin C has been added at 100% RDA SALE Price 120 Tablets- Vitamin C 500mg +• Bioflavonoids This supenor Healthspan formulation contains Sioflavonoids, found natural m citrus fruits which improves the uptake of vitamin C and provides other valuable health benefits.

SALE Price 360 Tablets FREE POSTAGE & PACKING WITH EVERY ORDER! There are 4 easy ways you can order your TAX FREE SALE Vitamins today! # By Phone: Using our FREEPHONE number shown below.

Our phone lines are now open 7 days-a-week from Sam until 6pm, fPlease have your Credit Card details ready and quote the code in the yellow box • bottom right).

'r By Post: By filling in this order form, enclosing a Cheque or PO made payable to 'Healthspan' and post it to: Heatthipan Ltd, PO Box 64, Park Street.

St Peter Port, Guernsey GYl JBT.

# By Fax: Cut out the order form and fan it to us anytime on 01481 713 790.

# Online: Go online to: MODUCt OOCIlimON UZE-Kia QTT TOIAKO Concentrated Cod liver Oil SALE Co-Enzyme QIC SAIE Echinacea with Vitamin C SALE •50 Plus' Vitamins & Minerals SALE Ginkgo Biloba SALE Glucosamme, Chondroitin. MSM SALE Glucosamine Sulphate 75umg SALE lipo-Cam" (Anti-ageing) SALE Vitamin C + Bioflavonoids SALE 360 e £ S95 I20c I1)« 120 ! • 'J' H , ( ., N , JM « £ 9-95 )60e£1V9S 360 e f- 7-95 120 e £13-95 )6C t, :. • "• FREE POSTAGE & PACKING WORTH £1-9* FREE Tout order value £ FOR A HEALTHY LIFESPAN Name IMr, Mrs. Ms): Address: Post code; Telephone: Please debit my Mastercard / Vui / Switch Ittue No: Expires.

Offer expires 28 February 200) Please allow 10 days lor delivery Items may be sent separately, so there may be a small delay between times ol receipt. RNLI-BJ FREEPHONE 080073 12377 Lines are open 7 days-a-week from 9am until 6pm.