The Bradford Exchange
Overall sire iit'lumr 2!'/.- inthra widex 18 inchn high ( HA -15,5) • 1,-pmduclnn hcfc nuv be intern" t» itai of the aoiul plires Priority Reservation Form l.imii: one serin pff collector To: Th Bradford Exchange, Lid, PO Boi 653, Stolu-on-Trcnt M i iH Iwould like to reserve TVic Magnificent /v«r collection, to be issued at the taie of approximately one plate per month, I NEED SEND NO MONEY NOW. Please bill m r in two iiuulmenu of £14.98 per plate, plus i2. W postage and handling, when each plate is ready for despatch/collection. Please arrange delivery with rhe Royal Mail on my behalf. My FREE* hardwood display frame will he sent at the sjnie time ,is ihc tuurth plate in my collection. "Phis plates me under no obligation, and I am free to cantel at any time.
t .inplcthjrjsofl.t 00 will be m»dc inwards pomp. packing and insurant! Name (Mr/Mr./ Mia/Mj) _ Address Postcode Telephone Date oi Birth __ I _ '_*_2_ _ Signature Existing Bradford Knjungc Account No. _ Plciw titk boi if you are ordering thoc plitrs u a gift i Fmm lime 10 nine tht Bmtfaid Exdiiiigc miv ill"1* carefully icmned tnmpann ID conuci tou. If vou do ni« »uh 10 inmi such often. p ax tkk box [ I ' l l l !: i; n i M i : n i i 1 1 M , i Recognized specialists in collector's plates Uffiin i. • (hujp. . Fr»Uui loU.. • Ittitt (Cuidtl • StHLholB . Win • /u,ih Order ref: PS 182030 The Magnificent Four Throughout World War II, these mighty warriors reigned supreme in our skies, astounding m with their awesome power; thrilling us with their acrobatic skills and humbling us with the sheer genius of their design. Their superiority in batik- is legendary and the courage of the men and women who tested, flew and fought with them will never be forgotten.
Now, as a fitting tribute to four of our best loved and longest serving aircraft, acclaimed a r t i s t Barry Price pays homage to The Magnificent Four in stunning portrayals that highlight each plane's exceptional qualities. These atmospheric scenes jre crafted on fine porcelain .ind further enhanced by majestic, air force blue borders, accented with a golden band and title. Furthermore, this truly unique presentation celebrates these exalted aircraft for the first time ever .is a framed quartet.
Each dramatic image takes its place within a rich mahogany-finish frame, free with your collection that will grace any home where fine art is appreciated.
I hi- pl.ines thai remain in flight from this period are few and highly cherished.
The Magnificent Four offers the ultimate celebration of these World War II legends, and as such, is sure to help keep the history of thcsr
and eminent aircraft alive for future generations.
To reservation your collection - fully backed by The Bradford Exchange 3dvd.iv buy-back guarantee - call the Reservation Hotline on 0800 652 4111 or complete the Priority Reservation Form and post it today.
0800 6St 4111 I S 182030 ./ THE BRADFORD EXCHANGE 36S-DAV BUY-BACK , l Mi I I tor Jm rc-ison you ire noi completely uiiifinJ, you may rcsril your plait in in ai inv time wuhm one year jftct you receive n We will send you j cheque loi the lull luuc price, without quotion.
This guarantee » in idditicin 10 youi *tnuiory tight!- imilrd of ihiv jdnertiiancni at aiktd ig lopond withjii 14 liiw lime pliia m nude hi irjdiiiocxJ mnhmt - plu* Jlo* 28 hn for delivny. Offtr ..
only and uiuh" tkui ni Llun . ltd, ! Q H '.