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Sky Rocket

Comedy dinghy capsize nearly turns to tragedy in Lyme BayAs she watched her father and boyfriend capsizing their Laser dinghy, Sky Rocket, in Lyme Bay on the evening of 27 April 2002, Lisa King was at first amused. But each time it took a bit longer to right the boat, until she realised that they had been drifting upside-down for 15 minutes in the water, and that she could no longer distinguish the upturned hull from the foaming waves.

Running for help, she found an ex-RNLI crew member who contacted an incoming trawler, which was able to provide some protection but could not effect a rescue. The Coastguard was called, the maroons fired and five minutes later the inshore lifeboat was launched. The Laser's occupants later spoke of their enormous relief at hearing the maroons, then seeing the lifeboat charging towards them.

Within a few minutes it was all over. The helmsman, a long-time governor of the RNLI.confessed to his embarrassment at being rescued. Lisa's boyfriend, John, received treatment for the early effects of hypothermia. The lifeboat crew - and shore helpers - were thanked profusely for their prompt and professional service and, within a few minutes, the lifeboat was washed down refuelled and ready for its next shout.The grateful sailors were soon able to return home, thanks to the professional action of the crew in a situation that could easily and quickly have got much more serious, with the real danger of life being lost..