Our Johanna
All-night rescue of trawler and crew While others enjoyed a Saturday night out on the evening of 6 April 2002, the five-man crew of the fishing vessel Our Johanna were drifting, powerless, in heavy seasIt was shortly before 10pm that her skipper contacted the Brixham coastguard to report that his boat had suffered a gearbox failure some 18 miles southeast of Berry Head.
A few minutes later, the Torbay lifeboat Alec and Christina Dykes was launched, with six crew aboard. As the lifeboat slammed through the heavy seas, the crew of Our Johanna would have to drift for a further hour before the lifeboat - and any hope of salvation - reached them.
However experienced the crew, the conditions were a real trial, with a Force 9 southeasterly gate, rough seas and a 7m swell. As the boat rolled in the turbulent seas, with waves swamping her decks, the crew could only pray that the lifeboat would reach her in time.
A long night ahead When the lifeboat eventually arrived, it was only the beginning of a drama that would last the rest of the night.
In situations like this, it isn't always easy to decide whether just to rescue the crew or to attempt to save the stricken vessel. But if the crew think there's a chance of saving the vessel, they will.
As both boats were tossed about in heavy seas and driving spray, in constant danger of crashing into each other, it took nearly an hour to transfer a line and secure it so that a tow could begin.
Although the trawler had lowered its beams to provide extra stability, this made a difficult task even more complicated.
Finally, just after midnight, a line was secured and the lifeboat could begin the slow and difficult task of towing the trawler through the near gale to safety.
Making only two and a half knots, dawn had broken by the time they reached the sanctuary of Brixham harbour. Here it was necessary to secure the trawler alongside the lifeboat, which was far from easy in the conditions. But, with a little help from the harbour pilot boat, this was managed and Our Johanna was safely secured just before 6am - some eight hours after the drama began.
In recognition of their courage, perseverance, seamanship and teamwork the crew received a letter of thanks from the Chief Executive of the RNLI.THE LIFEBOAT Severn class lifeboat ON-1255 Altc and Christina Dykes Funding: Legacies of Helen C Dykes and Robert Buchanan THE CREW Coxswain David Hurford Crew Members Mark Griddle Richard Fowler Simon James Nigel Con I ton John Ashlord TORBAV LIFEBOAT STATION Established 1866 Previous Medals Thanks on Vellum 1999 THE CASUALTY Fishing vessel Our Johanna THE CONDITIONS Weather Gal* Visibility Very good 10/30 miles Wind: SE Force 9S Sea state. Rough.