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Norwich Union

Thousands to spend, no monthly repayments Cash in on your home's real value to enjoy a richer life in retirement with a Norwich Union Equity Release plan, and benefit from: • Releasing a cash lump sum • No monthly repayments • Still owning your own home • OUT no negative equity guarantee If you (and your partner) are aged 60 or over, and you own your own home you could be eligible for an Equity Release plan and benefit from a cash lump sum. The amount you can borrow will depend upon your age and the value of your property.

Call for your free brochure today.

Call FREE now on NORWICH UNION an AVI VA company 0800 015 4O15 quote ref: 3481/103 Open: Monday • Friday Sam to 8pm. Saturday and Sunday loam to 4pm Or complete the Freepost coupon.

Norwich Union only advises on its own products. Free brochure Norwich Union Direct Financial Services Limited No. 3013167 represents only the Norwich Union Marketing Group. Norwich Union Equity Release Limited (No.

3286484) registered at 2 Rougier Street, York YO90 1UU. The plan is a lifetime loan, secured on your property. CHECK THAT THIS MORTGAGE WILL MEET YOUR NEEDS IF YOU WANT TO MOVE OR SELL YOUR HOME OR WANT YOUR FAMILY TO INHERIT IT. IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT, SEEK INDEPENDENT ADVICE. Full written terms and conditions are available on request. Details you provide may be used by Aviva Group companies for marketing activities such as market research or contacting you about their products or services. If you do not wish to receive marketing approaches please write to Norwich Union, Freepost. Mailing Exclusion Team, PO Box 903. Sheffield 511 8LE. For your protection telephone calls may be recorded. Not available in Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and Isle of Man.

To: NU Equity Release, FREEPOST ANG20197 Birmingham B27 6FE Are you (and your partner) at least 60? Yes LJ Please telephone me to arrange an appointment without obligation. L_ Please send me a new brochure. L ref: 3481/103 Tel No Tide Address Town Date of Birth , First Name(s) E-mail address Surname County Postcode i Partner's Date of Birth.