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Stop Snoring Now! Trial Price ONLY £9.99 Plus £1.99 P+P BUY 2 AND SAVE OVER £5 FREEPHONE YOUR ORDER TODAY ON: • Services. 0870841 II 14, lines open 8.30am - 5.30pm.

Are you one of the 30 million people in the UK who are affected by snoring? Snoring - The Facts • Snoring is the noise produced from the soft palate and other parts of the respiratory tract in conjunction with relaxed breathing during sleep. Obesity, smoking and drinking alcohol have all been linked to an increase in snoring.

• Snoring affects an amazing 42% of the UK population.

• Snoring doesn't just affect the snorer - it also affects their partner. In fact it's often the partner that suffers most! • A recent national survey on snoring showed that 90% of respondents' relationships had suffered because of snoring.

Of those, an amazing 80% have been forced to sleep separately from their partners due to the disruptive noise levels.

Immediate Results Snorex is a revolutionary new product made from natural ingredients in an advanced solution that allows oils to be dissipated throughout the night. Tests have shown an incredible, immediate effect on reducing snoring in 9 out of 10 cases.

How Snorex Works Snorex works by lubricating the tissue lining in the back of the throat including the tongue and soft palate. This lessens the vibrations between these soft tissues, drastically reducing snoring.

Snorex has a refreshing minty taste and it's easy to use too! The Result - A Proper Night's Sleep At last! No more elbowing from your partner or having to sleep in the spare room! One 60ml bottle of Snorex can last up to 4 weeks, which is less than £2.50 a week. That's not a lot to pay for quality sleep for you and your partner is it? 90 Day Money Back Guarantee We are so confident that Snorex will work for you that we are happy to offer a 90 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are unsatisfied just return it to us at the address below and we will refund you.

Call our FREEPHONE order line or post coupon to: Healthy Direct, St. George's Place, St. Peter Port, GY1 3TT.i J One 60ml bottle of Snorex (042266) & £9-99 plus £1.99 PSP= £11.98 J Save over £5! Two 60ml bottles of Snorex (042266) for £17.99 (FREE P&P) ~2 I enclose a cheque, payable to Healthy Direct for £ OR Please charge my: ~ VISA __ MASTERCARD • : SWITCH ~ DELTA Expiry date: „ Issue No.

(Switch): __ Signature: Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms) Address Post Code T- i Date of Birth E-mail.

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