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Thrills, Spills and Women Drivers

Nearly 50 women drivers proved they were just as good as the boys when they competed in a off-road driving day in May that raised £4,000 for the lifeboats. The challenging event.

organised by RNLI North West office and Evans Halshow Land Rovers of Hadley, took place at Trentham Gardens in Staffordshire and saw ladies tackle the off-road trek through the demanding terrain of an old gravel quarry.

Steep slopes, difficult descents and mires of mud tested the nerves of all entrants who put state-of-the-art Land Rovers through their paces.

A thrill-packed trials section complemented the course where drivers pushed themselves and the Land Rovers to their limits.

All competitors thoroughly enjoyed the day and were complimented on their driving skills by the instructors..

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