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The Eyes Have It

The eyes have it Whoever chose the model for the fold-out part of the front cover of the Lifeboat Spring 2002 issue did well.

The girl is immediately captivating and gives the image of enthusiasm and ability, but it is the eyes which grab the attention.

If I was in trouble and my gaze was met by those eyes, I would feel that all was going to be well for they say: 'I know what I'm doing, I'm happy to be here and I won't let you down.' Whether she is actually lifeboat crew or a model she personifies the spirit of the RNLI.

Then I looked at the faces in other photos and found the same look in the eyes of many of the lifeboat crews, which only goes to prove what we've always known - our lifeboatmen and women are a special breed.

I hope I'll never need them, but am confident that I'll be in good hands if I do.

Des Healey Seaton, Cumbria Editor's note: We almost never use models for photographs..

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