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AberdeenON-1248 (17-24) Octd0-428 OctS, Octl30-536 Aug4, Aug6, Aug20. AugZI. Sepl Aberdovey8-758 Augl4. AuglS. Aug2Q,Aug27 AbersochBS82 Aug6. AuglO. Aug12. AuQl6. Aug17, AugZS. Aug26. AugZ9, Stpll. Sep21AberystwythB-701 AugZlAugZ?B-704 Aug5.Oct14|x3)Achill IslandON-1240 14-28) Aug30. Sep14. SepZ3 Arth,ON-1103 52-31) Augl. Aug19. Aug21. Aug26Aldeburgh0-488 Aug3. Oct19.0et21 Alderney0-551 AuylAmbleON-1176 12-19) Aug6 AugB. Aug14. Aug2«x2). Aug31. SepSD-447 AugZOW). SepIDArm It-1114 47-011) AugZO. SepZZ. Sep24. SepZS. OctlS. Oct2BAnstrutherOH-1174 17) Aug4. Sep7. SeplS. Oct23AppledoreON-1140 027) AugZllxZ)742 AugS Aug27(x2|. Aug31, Sep6. Sep8. Sepia 762 On 18. Oc(26Aran l-.l.iiiiKON- 1217 06) SepB. Sep13. Ocl14.0cl21ArbroathON-1171 211 Cnr*03B{B0-471 AugZZ, SepZ, Sep14Art lowON-1223 191 AugS. Aug16. AugZZ. SepZ. SepSArran Lamlasri)770 Augl2.Augl5.Oct6An an moreON-1244 22) Aug9. AugI4, AuglB. AugZ5. Sep3. Sep17. Sep30. OctllAtlantic CollegeB-763 AuglSBallycottonON-1Z33 251 AugieixZ), Augl9|x2l. Sep18. Oct14BallygJaxsON-1150 44) AugZ7BaltimoreON-1137 024) Aug21(AugZGM!, Aug30 Sep4.Sep6TSep10.0ctZ1BangorB-579 AugZ, Sep1BarmouthON-1185 26) AuglO, SeplZ 0-426 OC1210-524 Aug22(x4), AugZB. Sepl. SepS, Sep12. 8 9Bar ra IslandON 1230 121 Aug22. Aug30W|. BkvilAoopiuBarrowON-1117 014) Aug18.Aug20(3).Sep170-443 AuglO0-567 Aug17.Sepl7Barry DockON-10S2 231 Augll. Sep2()(2|. 006. 027BeaumarisB-768 Aug5. Augl 11x2). Augl8|*2], Aug23. Aug24. Aug25, AtnaJHL Aug29(»2|. Aug30. Sep21x3),SepZO.Sep23|x2!. Oct7|*2|, Oct13. Oct25(x3), Oct26BambridoaON-1 126 47418) Aug4|x2|, Aug26|x2| SBpl2.SeplB.Sep29ON 1146(031) OctlS0-503 Aug5, l. Sepl. Sep7Berwick-upon -TweedON-1124 001) OctlON-1191 32) Aug230-494 Aug3, Oct27BlackpoolB 748 Sep2. Sep?9. Octft.210-448 006,0-558 Aug13. SepZ.Sep29. Oct6(t2|566 Aug1Z.Augl6BtythON-1180 01) AugSlrf).Aug7, Sepl 6. Oa13D-423 4. 6D-4M Aug5BorthD-436 AugZ. Aug4. Aug27|x2l Sep221x2)BrtdMngtonON 1169 Augl1UZ|.Augl9. Sep6D-450 Aug11(x2|.Aug12(x2).Aug20. Aug2Z. Aug27. Aug29BrightonB-79S AuglZ.Ajg22. AugZS, Sep3, Sepl8. OctSuZI. Octll. OctZGWI. Oct31Bfoughty F«rryON-1252(1*-Aug6. Aug12,Aug22 Aug3 2. Aug22BuckleON-1093 152-27) Aug17.Aug25. OctZBundoranB-711 Aug2I.Sep1Bumham-on-CrouchB-71B Aug4(x3|. Aug5(x2), Aug1l.Augl9D-519 AugllBurrv PortD-457 Aug29. Sep5. Sep230-472 Aug1B(AugZSCatshotON-H80WM8) Augl. Aug6M|.Aug8(x3l. AugSlxZ). 1.AuglS. AugZ7. 1x2). Sep15. OcizTOctZO0-429 AugllxZI. AugSuZl, Aug8. SepZS. OctZOCampbeHownON-124U1M9I Aug290-455 Aug2SCardiganB-752 Ajg3.Aug7. Aug14. Aug23D-547 Sep9 Sep27. SepZBCastletownbefeON-1118 36) Aug8,Oct7Ctacton-SaB-744 Atig7. AugZO0-559 Sep13ClMthOfpM0-454 AuglS|ALjg24. AjgZBCMMB-751 AugZI Clogher HeadON-1190 Oct1, Oci14CtovBAiB-759 AugZS. SepSConwvD-482 OctlSCourt macsherrv HarbourON 1205(14-07) Oct13ON 1228(24) Sep6Court own0-548 Ajg5. AuglB. Aug30CficcwtnB-7D7 Ajg5lx2|.AuQlS.Aug20( 2l. Aug22. Aug24, Sepl4Cromar0-568 AuglStxZ). AugZSCtQMflWMlB-575 AjgZ7.Sep15,Sep16. Sep17, OctSCultvrcofltsB-Ajg2. Sep6. SeplO. Sepl B. OctS. Oct30DonaghadeeON-1107 (52-33) Aug13. SepZ, SepZ4. OctZDouglasON-1147 47-032) Aug22, Sep14.0ct31DoverON-1220 17-03) Augll. AugZO. Aug25(x3), Aug2S. V SepZ4, SepZSDun LaoghairaON-1200 05) Aug29. SepB. Sep260-432 AugZI. AugZE0-565 Octl 7DunbarON-1207 09) Ajg24. Sep2. Sep7. Sep1B.SepZ4(xZ)0-430 AugZl.Aug24.SeplO, Sep14. SeplS, Sep24|xZ). Oct7 Dun gen essON-11B6 12-Aug12. Sep4. SepBDun more EastON-t215(17| SepZZ. SepZ7, Sep30. Oct3. OctlZ. 9ON-1Z26 22) AugZSEastbourneON-1195M2-Aug1|x2|. Aug-KxZ], AuglO. Aug14|xZ), Aug17,Aug27, Aug31. Sepl, Sep4, SeplZ. Sep13. Sep14, SepZ3, Oct4. OctaxZI. OctZO. Oct260-449 Ajg4. AugO. AugZZ. D-5W OctZOlxZ)EnniskillenB-549 AugZL Sep26, 0«13 ExmouthON-1245 29) Sep90-516 Oct7. Oct14EyemouthON-1209 11) Aug9. AuglS. SepZ5(x3lFal mouthON-1201 02) Auq4.Aug16.Atig19. OctZlB-592 AjgZjxZl.Aug11(i3|.Aug19(B-595 AjgZ51xZ).AugZ9,SepZl,OclZ7PAnltON-t239 Aug4 «}. Aug5.AugZB(Sep25Frthard0-528 2MMON-1170I12-13I Aug26.0ct1.0ct9. OctZ60-563 AugHxZ). Aug*n2|. AugB, Augl3 AugH. . AugZE, OctlFish guardON-119e AugZ.Aug21(Sep3ON-1226 Sep24.OcUO. OctZS0-440 505 AugZ4. AugZ8.Sep3.0cI16(KZ)Fl&fnbofOLKlhB-703 Aug1.Aug5(x2). Aug26. Au927. Sep14.0cU3FleetwoodON-1156 147-038) Aug7. AugS, AuglZ. Aug31,Sep8,SBpl90-556 Aug8(*Z). AugZO(AugZS. SepZ. SeplS. OctZ. Oct8. rwwUCHURint0-510 Aug19, Sepl6(Oct4F8MWON-1222 18) AugZ3, SepBlxZ). Sep12, Sep13, SepZ9 444 Sep7. Sep130-526 Aug6. Aug17. AugZO, AugZ9. SeplFraterburghON-1109 007} Aug3. AuglBtxZ)GalwayB-774 SeplB. Sep30 GirvanON-1196 37) Sep23,0cl21Great Yarmouth and Cohesion ON-1253 32) Augl7, Sep9x2)574 Augll/lx3).Aual3. Aug25. AugZS, Aug29, SepS, SepSxZl. SeplT. SepZO Happisburgh0-468 AugZ6HartlepoolON-1 106 Oct14. OctZS 766 Aug30. Sep11.0cU4HarwichON-1254 27) Augl. Augl 4. Sep23B-571 AugK2). AugS. AuglO. Aug16, Aug2Z. Sep6. Sep92|. Sepll. OctS. Oct14(x3). OctlB. OctZOHastingsON-1125 002) Ajg16(Sep4. SspZ3.0ctS0-540 Sep9. Sep30Hayling IslandB-712 Aug4. Aug13()(2), Aug19M). AugZZ.AugZSfxZI. Sep7, Sep15, Octl. Oct6. Oct270-496 OctZ70-500 5, Oct7HttomburghB-581 AugZ6, AugZ7.0cI18. rtrtWUGUafHelvickHeadB-760 xZ)HolyheadON-107H52-17) AugH. Aug20. SepS. SepZl. SepZ6. 00160-507 Aug2l.SepllNorton Port Eynon0-531 Aug16. AugZO. Aug27. Aug31 Sep14(x5).Sep15.Sep17. SepZZ, SepZBUnurthnowrnON-1113(35I Sepl. Octl Oct230-530 AugZ3.SepZ?HovlakeON-1163 005) SepZ HumberON-1077 20) AugZSON-1216 Sep22, Oct2.Oct13(Oct16HunstantonB-749 AugHAug12, AuglS, . Sep26. SepZS. OctlO. OcttSxZ). OctZOItfracombeON-1165I1Z-007) Aug4, AuglS. Aug23. AugZ7ON-1184 (12-25) Oct60-414 AugBD-555 AugZZ, Aug27(x3).Sep1. SepZ, Sep3, Sep24. SepZ9. Oct4. Oct20 InvergordonON-1213 14-15) Aug27. AugZBWayON-1219 17-08) Aug4. SeplS. Oct13. OctZBKessock8-709 Sep190-459 Aug27, AugZBKilkMl B-590 Augl 1. AuglB. Aug25. Aug26, OctZ4. OctZSKilmore QuayON-1117 28) AuglZ, AugZZlxZ), L 1 Sep9, SeplO.Sep14,Sep17.0ct20KllrushB-729 Oct31King hornB-720 Aug2. Aug4(x2). Aug7.Aug24| Aug30, Aug31. Sep7, onl 1 fL-ffi iVtll /VtTlJC|J , IAIQ VRI 1, ULUJKippfordD-5B Augl6.Aug3]WI. SeplBKirkcudbrightB-585 AugZS. Aug31(x2]. SeplBliZI. SepZSKirkwallON-1160 52-461 SeplZON 1231 13) SepZ.Kyle of LochalshB-723 AuQi. AiiglsB-740 SepZS. Sep30. OctZ4 L*fo*775 Aug8. Augll. AuglG. AugZB. SepS(xZ). SeplSlnZ), Sep23. OctZ7. OctZS. ooa@1246 30) AuglS 0-499 2. OctZOLerwickON-1221 117-10) SepZfl, Oct16. ,-. f ] Littla Broad Havan0-Aug3, Sep9LrttlehamptonB 586 xZ|.Sep1|»3). SepBtxZ), SeplG, SepZO, OctZ, Octl9x2). OctZSUtttostone-on-SaaB-573 AugKKdl. SepBtxZ). Sepl 9B-701 4LI ;in dud noON-164 006) SeplZ. Ocil3.0ct27 508 Aug14. AugZ7, AugZ9, SepZZlxZL OcttS. Oct30 LochinverON-1144 152-421 Sflp15Looe0-Aug7, Aug27|xZl SeplB Lough SwillyON-1111 47-009) Augl7. AuglSB-717 Aug6,Aug11.Aug17. AugZI Aug23, Aug31 . Sep30,0c5l0-52 Augll, Sepl7.Sep30Lowest oftON 1132(020) Aug12.Aug17ON-1138 025) Sep7. SeplS, Oct6Lyme RegisB-732 SepZ9( ZI.Sep30.0ct11B-741 Augl, AugZ, Aug2Z.AugZ6.Sep8.Sep9 For everyone who helps save lives at seao Lymington 8-566 Ajg10|x2|.Aug11(x2).Aug16.

Aug17 Aug25. Sep28. OO13. Oct23 Lytham St Annas ON-1189 112-30) Aug19.Aug31.

Sep1(*2|.Sepl4.Sepl5.Sep29 0-509 Aug22.Sepl.Sep15.Sep29 MaWMhorp* B-754 Aug24. AugZ7 D-506 Aug4|x2l. Aug13, Aug!4. Aug15.

Augl7, Aug24. Aug27. Aug2a 2!. OctlS Milling ON-1250 (17-26) Augl, Augl 1.Aug19.

Aug21|x2). Aug29. Aug30. Sep3. Sep7.

Sepl8.0cfi.0ca7 Marazion D-411 Aug4(x4). AugPO. Sep7 Margate ON-im (12-20) AuglOW). Sep23.

OctIO 0-5*5 Augn.AugU.Aug16.Aug17.

Aug21. Aug24. Auo27, SeplS. Sep'6.

Sep20 Minehead 8-701 Augl.Aug14.Sep2 IMhi ON-1116 (47-013) AuglO. Aug26|x2) D-532 Aug26, Aug27. Sepl. SeplO.

Sep28.0ct9 MontrOM ON-1115H7-012) Aug2Q. Sep4, Get 14 D-481 0014 Morecamb* 0-564 Oc!3 Mudatord 8-513 Aug4|x3|, Aug8|x2|. AuglO.

Aug11(*2). AuglGWl. Aug17. Aug19, AuQ27.Sep1.lepl2.SepU.Sep16, Sep28.Do6.OdlO Naw Bfighton B-721 AugB. Augl Augll. Aug18, Aug20, Aug23. SepZ SeplB. Sep30, Oct7. QctU Oci19(x2). OctfO. OO21 N*w Quay (Cardiganshire! ON-11M (12-251 AugliTAugS! D-471 Augl. Aug5. Aug7(x3). Augl9.

Aug25.Aug31.Sepn.Oct21(x2| Newbiggin B-745 Aug4. Aug28. Aug29. Sep20 Newcastle ON-11B8 (12-29) AuglM.0026 D-471 Ajg2.Augl2.Augl3.Sep9 Newhaven ON-1243 (17-21) Aug12.Aug15.

Augl7, Aug24. Aug2Sx2|. Aug27. SepB.

Sep9. Sepl 5x21. Sepl6, Octl. OctB, Oct9,0ctl3 Newquay (Cornwall) 8-715 Augll. AugZuWI D-497 AuglWI. Augll. Aug20|x3|, Aug25 North Berwick D-431 Augig.Aug21.Sepl1.0ct13 0-452 Aug15 Oban ON 1059152-12) Augl DN-10H (52-22) Sep7. Sep8.

Sep13M|, Sep23. Sep29. OctS. OctHx3|.

Oettg. Oct22. Oct24 ON-1227114-23) AugZ Aug3. Aug6.

Augll. Aug16(x2). Aug18|x3l AugZl.

Aug29. Aug30 Padnow ON 1094147-003) Aug4.Aug31.Sep7, Sep23. Ool 2 P«n»rth 8-725 Augl. AuglO, Aug20.Aug221x2), Sep15(«3),Sep16.0ct13.0ct17 D-469 Aug22. Sepl?, Sepl5lx2). Sep29, Octf D-534 AuglO. Augll Pen lee ON-1Q85 (52-24) Aug5.OO9.OO14 B-753 Aug4|x7), Aug28. OO14 Peter-head ON-1095I47-OM) Ajg19.Aug27.Sep3 ON-1127 (47-019) Oct6M.Oot3 Plymouth ON-1136I5Z-WI Aug2.AugB.Ajg12.

Aug16. Aug18. Aug2S. Sep12. Sep23.

Sep24. Sep26 Pooto ON-10MI33-07) Aug1(*2J.Aug8.


Aug 191x41. Aug2Hx2). Sep7. Sepl 6 ON-1131 (47-023) Sep22. Sep23.

Sep28, Oct9. 0024 B-71D- Augl|x4), Aug3|x2), AugB. Aug9.

AuglO. Augll. Aug14(x2|.Aug15.

Aug18x2), Augl7. AuglB. Aug191 5l, Aug20, Aug22. AugZS I, Aug26.

Aug27, AuB?»x31, Aug31. Sep1(x3).

Sep7. Sepftrfl. Sep9(*2l. Sep28, OO4.

006,OCI7 Port Erin 8-563 Sep2S 8-594 Ajg2B Port Isaac 0-439 AuglO. Aug19,Aug20.Aug26 Port St Mary ON-1234(14-26) Augll. Sep13. OctZS D-466 Augll.Aug17.Aug19.Aug30 PortTalbot D-550 Aug3. Aug19. Aug25. Sep7 Portaferry B-706 Aug6. AuglS. Aug23, Sep19.

Sep27. Sep28 Porthcawl B-726 Augl. Aug3, Aug?2. Aug23.

Aug28. Sep4. Sep13. Oct21(x2) PortnQHillMn ON-1120 (47-015) AugB. AuglO.

Aug31(x2|. Sepl B Portpatrick ON-1142 (47-029) Oct19 ON-1151 (47-033) Aug4.Augl 11x21.

Aug24,Sep3.Sepl4 ON-1214(14-tGI Aug6. AuglB. Aug21.

Aug22. Sep28. Ottl4. Oct24 Portnrth ON-1159152-45) Augll. Aug_13.

Aug22, Aug25. Aug2B. Sep4. Sep6.

ON-1247(17-23) Oct8, Ocll2, Oct13 D-456 Aug4, Aug7. Aug13. Aug22.

Aug28, Sep4. Sep22, Seo29. Oct7.

Ofl12,0ctl8 Portsmouth B-731 Aug1.AuQ3,Auo5WJ,A«)18.

Aug24. Aug26, Sep7, SeplB. OctS.

Oo7(x4) D-554 Aug5|x2). AugB. Aug24. OO7.

0017 Pwllrieli ON-1168(12-010I Ajg1Q.Aug20|x2).

Aug31.Sep25 D-522 Sep9 Qu*«nsferry B-713 Augl3.Aug17.Aug26(x3).

Sep5(x2). Sep7. Sep15. SeplG. Oct6, 009. Octl 1.0020 RartiMy ON-1192 (12-33) SeplS Ramsgate ON-1197 (14-02) Aug4U2). Aug19.

Sep11,Sepl6.Sep22,Sep25 B-7«5 Aug3.Aug4(x2).Aug11(x4).

Aug19.Aug23.Sep3 FtodBay B-721 Ajg19.Sep9 FUdcar B-570 Aug12.Aug1G B-510 Aug1»x2|,Aug3l.Sep21.

0014(iG).Oc!28,Oci30 D-5Z3 Aug21, Sep21 Rot* D-«9 Aug9 AuglO. Aug22. Aug26.

Aug27. SepSx2). Sep9(x2T Sepl6 Rosslar* Harbour ON-1092 (52-261 Aug25. Sep3 ON-1159 (52-45) Sep22. Sep24 Ry» Harbour B-727 Aug4.Aug5.Aug6, Augll.

Aug16.Aug27.Sep4 Sep9,Sep11.

0020 Salcombe ON-1122 (47-017) Aug4, Aug8(«2).

Aug9. Ajg12, Aug13, fuffiffl, Aug24.

Aug31(x2). Sep7. SepB. Sep16 ON-11301*7-022) Sep22.Sep29.

0013.0014 Scarborough 0-580 Aug19. Sep14(x2). Sepl 7 Seahouses ON-1173112-16) Aug8.Aug27 D-529 Aug8, Aug2H»2). Sepl. Sep16.

0031 S*lsey ON-1074(47-001) Augl,Aug6.Aug9.

Aug25. Sep2. Sep8 0-533 Ajgi. AugS. Aug6. Aug9. AuglO.

Aug24. Sep28 Sennen Cove ON-1121(47-0161 Aug21.Au928, Sep30 D-«7 Aug19. Aug2Q(x2). Aug26, Aug28 Sh«*rn**s ON-1211 (14-13) Aug2, Aug8, AuglS.

Aug16. Aug19. Sep7. SepB, Sep15.

Sepl6, Sep20. Oct24 0-513 Aug1.Aug4(x3).AuQ8.AuQt5, Aug20. Aug21, Aug29. Sep7| 2|, Sep20, Sep2i. Sep27, Sep30. OctS, Oct7.

0021.0027 Sheringham B-702 Ajg7(x2). Aug24. Aug26«2), Sep12 Shorvham Harbour ON-1158 (47-040) Ajg3. Aug6. Aug14.

Aug18.Aug22. Sepl. Sep19.Sep30. Ocfi D-41D Octl 7 D-501 Aug1|*2),Aug11. AuglB. AjgX.

Sep1(x3),Sep8.Sep11.Sepl9|x2! Siltoth B-714 Sep22,0ct14 Shegneu ON-1166(12-008) Sepe.Ocll.OcilG.

0017 0-460 Aug3 Augll. Ajgl5( 5].

Aug16(x4|1 AuglB. Aug19, Aug20(«ai, Aug21(x2|, Aug24. Aug28. Aug29, SepB, SeplO. Sepll.Octl.Ofl17 Skarrtot 8-747 Aug12. Ajg31. Sepl. Sep8.

SepH SligoBay B-525 Aug12,Sep15.Sep191x2), Oct7(x2). Octfflx2) South Broads D-431 Augl3. Aug19. Aug26(x2). Sepl 221x31, Oc*.0ct14,0ct27 XP-S Aug13.0014 Southend-on-Sea 8-567 Aug4. Aug5. Aug9|x2). Augll, Augl5, Aug16. Aug18, Augl9( 31, Ajg27.

Aug30, Sep9. SeplB. Sep16(x2l. Sep21 D-487 AuglB. Sep4. SeplG. Sep20 D-S27 Aug8. AuglO. Aug11(x2). AuglS.

Aug30|x2l Southwold B-750 Aug8(«21.Au99(x2l,Augl7, Aug27 Si Abb* 8-572 Augd, Sep25 StAgnes D-552 Aug9.Aug16.Sep11 StBM 8-719 Ajg26.Aug30.Sep6.0ct17 St Catherine 8-772 Ajg4.Aug14.Sepl2 St Davids ON-1139 (47-0261 AuQl7.Aug20, Aug30.Sep21.Sep22.Sep24 D-543 Augl. Aug2, Aug17. Aug30 St Helier ON-1157I47-OM) Aug2. Aug4, Aug6, Aug1A.Au921.Sep2.Oci7 StlVM ON 1167 (12-009) AugB. Augl7, Sepl 0-4B6 Aug22. Aug2S(x2)l Sep21 0-515 Aug8,Aug17 St Mary's ON-1108152-34) Aug24.Aug27 St Patw Port ON-1067 (52-15) Aug12.Aug14.

Aug17(»2), Aug!8!x2], Aug19, Aug24(x2) ON-1203 (17-04) 0013,0ct29 Starthes and Rumwicfc B-576 Sepl6,Sep26.Sep27 S tor no WHY ON-1160 (52-46) Ajg21 ON-123BI17-16) Sep5. SeplO Sttanraer D-53B AugS Strom ness ON-1237 (17-17) Aug4, Aug26. Oct3, OrtIS Sunderland ON-122S (14-21) Aug5. Aug7. Aug23, Aug26. Sep22, Sep26. Oct4, Ott15.

0021 D-4« Sep26. Sep29, Oct4, Oct15. Oct21 D-470 AugS. Aug6. Augll.Sep22 Swanaga ON-1148*12-111 Aug4, AuglO, Aug19.

Aug2CKx21 ON-1162 (12-004) Oct17.0ct25.0ci27 ON-11B2 (12-23) Aug24.SepB.

Sep16(x2l. Sep23, Sep2B. Sep30 D-467 Oct25 D-475 Aug4(x2). AuglO, Aug22. Aug26.

Aug29, Sep?. Sep8(x2). Sep16. Sepl?.

Sep30, Oct17 Tees mouth ON-1110 (47-008) Aug27lx2). Oct2B Teign mouth B-5B8 AjgVAug3.Aug16.Aug1S, Aug22, AlBZ*M Aug29, Aug31. Sep2.

SepB|x2|. SeplO. SeplB. Sep17. Octl6.

Oct17 T«nbv ON-1131 (47-021) Aug4| 2l. Augll.

Odl4|x2l. Oct21 D-562 Aug2. Aug6, AuglO. Aug12.

Aug20, Aug26M1, Aug29(x2|. Sep26, 0024 The Uzard ON-1145 (47430) Sep24 Th* Mumbles ON 1155(47-037) Aug6.Augl5.Ocl2.

0021 0-463 Aug14.Aug15,Aug19(x2).

Ajg26. Aug27, Aug29. Aug31. Sep2.

Sep19.004. Oo21|x2). Ocl22. Oct2B Thno ON-1135 (52-39) Aug14.Aug16, AuglB. Aug24. Aug29, Sep4(»2). SepB.

Sepl 5.

ON-11*9(52-43) Oct31 Tighnabruaich B-T43 Aug7, Aug25. Sep6. Oet6 Tobarmorv ON-1078 (52-21) Ocl22 ON-1143 (52-41) Aug1.Aug2.Aug9.

Aug29. Sep16. Sep27 Torbay ON-1076152-191 Aug9(x3|. AuglO.

Aug 15x3|. Aug18|x2!. Sep2, Sep7. Sep9.

Sep23. Sep29. Oo14, Octl 71x3). Oct23, Oct24,0ct26 0-504 Augl.Aug6,Aug12.Ajg15.

Aug16(x2|,Augl8(x2l,Oct14(x2T Tramof* D-4T4 Oct4.0ctl6 Trearddur Bay B-731 Augll.AuffU.AuaZQ, Aug22(x4). Aug25. Aug26(x2). Aug27, Aug29. Aug31. Sep7. Sep8. Sep9. Sep12 0-441 Augll. Aug25(ic4). Sep9(x2l. Sep9 Troon ON-1134 (52-38) Aug1.Aug6|x2|.

AuglB. Sep15. Sep22. Ocffi. Oct24 Tynemouth ON-1242(17-n| 0027.0029 0-535 Ajg3(x2|. Aug4(x2). Aug9.

Aug14(n21.Aug15.Aug27.Sep14, Sepl 5. 0029 Valentia ON-121H17-07I Sep4.Sep7.Od2.

Oct3.0rt12 WMnw B-5M Aug4.Augll.Aug12,Sep9 D-514 Aug4.. Aug23 Walton and Frinton ON-113B (47-025) Aug4(x2) ON-1154 (47-036) AuglS, Aug27 Walls ON-11S1 (12-003) Aug31.Sep8 0-512 AugB.Au922.Aug27.0ctl4 W«St Kirby 0-473 Sep8(n2|. OO4(x2). Oct5 West M«rs»a 8-761 AugS,Aug6.Aug!4.Aug17, Aug22. Aug30, Sep2, SepS. Sep6.

SeplS. 006. Oct7|x2l. Octll, Oct21.

0022.0025 W«ton-sup«r-Mar« B-769 Aug)2,Aug19.Aug26.Aug27, Sep2, Sep7. Sep23(i 2). Sep30. Oct5(x2l.

Oct7 0-537 Aug12.Aug14.Aug19(x2l.

Aug26. Aug27. Aug28. Sflp2. Sep15.

Sep30. OctS. 007 Weymouth ON-t058(52-11) Aug9, Augll.

Aug18x3l. AuglB. Aug19(«2|. Aug20.

Aug22|x2|. Aug24. Aug25, Aug29.

Aug31(x2i. Sepl. Sep6. SepB. SepS.

Sepl? ON-1073 (52-11) Sep22.Sep30.Oet1.

Oct10.Oci16.Oct27.OO28 B-746 Augl(x2), Aug3, Aug8. Aug11|x2|.

AuglBWl. Augl9(x2rAuoffi. Sep3, Sep7(x2). SeplB. Sep22, Sep30l«2). Octl.

006.0010. 0015x2). 0028 Whttby ON-1212114-14) Aug3.Aug19.Aug20.

Aug26.Sep27 0-465 Aug9, Augll AuglB. Aug2«x2).

Sep27. Oct5 Whitstable B 764 Augl. AugSx2l. Aug6(x3l.

Augll. Aug13(x21. Augl4lxJ]. AuglS.

Aug19, Aug21(x2l. Ajg24. Aug26.

Aug28, SeplWI. Sep9. Oo6.0o13.

0027, Ott3H«2l Wick ON-1224 (14-20) Aug15.Aug29 Wicklow ON-1153 (47-035) Aug5. AuglO.

Augll, Aug14. Sep18 0-498 Augll. Augl4, SeplB Wtthetnsea 0-541 Aug20. Aug28. Sep2 Workington ON-1141 [47-028) Aug4.Aug17 Yarmouth ON-1249 (17-251 Ajg2. Aug4(x2|. AugG.

Augl 11x31. Augl2. AuglHxZ), Aug21.

Aug22(x2!. Aug26. Aug27. Sep21 2), Sep7. SepB. Sepl6 Oo4. Octl7 Voughal B-561 Ajg5. Ajg6. Augl5. Aug25.

OCI31 On passage ON-1124 (12-001) Sep7 ON-1203 (17-04) Aug16 ON-1247 (17-23) Sopbl ON 1255 (17-28) Aug6(x3l. Aug7|x2l.

AugB, Aug9. Aug19W|, Aug23|x2|.

Aug24.0ct20 ON-1256 (17-29) SeplO ON-125B (14-33) OCI12 The services listed ftere am those lot which reform had been ncened at HO by January 2002. There may be ottet services for which returns had not been received.