Advanced search

Wasini (1)

The importance of teamwork Although the RNLI is entirely independent of government, it couldn't operate without the support of official organisations such as the Coastguard, which coordinates all rescues at sea.

An incident on 13 June demonstrated Ihis, when the Portsmouth-based Royal Navy frigate, HMS Kent, responded to a distress call off the south-west coast of Wales.

The ship, commanded by Commander John Clink, was conducting a routine exercise when she heard the distress call stating that the Wasini was taking on water and needed assistance. Shortly afterwards, distress flares were fired.

HMS Kent quickly approached the vessel and launched her seaboat with a small team of sailors and engineers aboard.

They brought the Wasini alongside the Kent before pumping out the water. By this time, the Angle and St Davids lifeboats had arrived. The St Davids lifeboat put a crew member aboard the casualty to assist with the lifeboat's portable pump. After discussion it was decided to tow the vessel back to Dale Beach. The casualty's crew were transferred onto the Angle lifeboat and the St Davids Tyne class lifeboat Garside, towed the Wasini back to port.

The Kent has since sailed to the Arabian Gulf to start her first operational deployment..