The Cooperative Bank
The COOPERATIVE BANK At this loan rate you could afford to S D1£IS ll O U t • any amount from £1,000 to £15,000 • funds transferred directly to your bank account - with the option of same day transfer* • no arrangement fees or security required • Repayment Protection Insurance is available Apply now for an instant decision. Just phone free on 0800591 682 and quote reference no: 791/285 Fixed APR a.4% APR 9.4% APR ITS APR 1I.»% APR Loan value C12.500 £10.000 E5.000 E3.000 Mommy Total Monlhry Total Monthly Total Monthly Total 7 year* with Protection 25615 21.68396 21251 17.85011 10722 9006*0 7013 5.891 IS without 1 ' 19562 16.43228 16104 13.52661 81.25 682509 53.15 4.464.09 S yean With Protection 314.70 IB 881 57 M712 15.427 28 12944 7,766 23 8284 4,96981 wilhoul Protection 25424 15.25450 20773 12.46365 10458 6.274 24 6692 4.01525 3 years wth Protection 45715 1645736 37055 1333949 18609 669889 11629 4.18610 without Protection 39251 1413031 31815 1145331 15977 5,751.70 9984 3.59423 1 year with Protection 1.18819 1425617 95490 1 1 .456 73 47832 5.73976 291 32 3.49583 without Protection 1.08850 13,061 91 87478 10.497 34 43819 5.25821 26688 3.20253 Typical enamples it you wish 10 borrow C5.000 over 3 years, the monthly repayment, win Repayment Protection, will M £166 09. at an APR ol S.7% Total repayment over the loan twin.
£6,698 69 I' you wish to borrow C5.000 ovw 3 years, the monthly repayment without Repayment Protection will be EtSfl 77. alan APR olf.7% Total repaymentovw theloan term £5,751 70 Amounts shown may vary by a tew pence This advertisement replaces arry previous advertisement loi Direct Personal Loans liom The Co-operative Bank p I c Written quotations are avaitaWe on request Credit tacihlies aie subject to status and not available lonon UK residents, anyone under 21 of over 70 years of age The Co-operalrvB Bank p t c reserves me rigm to decline any loan application Out may. in certain circumstances and at ils discretion oner a Won al an alternative rate to those advertised Rales correct as al IOW2001 Typical APR is ine APR al wnicn the maiorily ol loans by number arising Irom this advertisement, are expected to be made. The Bank may record telephone fills between you and the Bank Irw secunty and/or training purposes 'Once we've received youf signed agreement forms same day transfer is via CHAPS. before 3pm, al a cost Ol £20 Registered Olfice The Co-operative Bank p l.c , 1 Balloon Street Manchestei M60 4EP England Regi-jierM Number 990937 Website www co-opefalrvebank CO uk.