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AGED 60? HOMEOWNER? I enjoy a more prosperous retirement Ex-Service man makes the most of his retirement years with an equity release scheme Flying for the first time into the airfield he had helped to build whilst serving in Burma during the Second World War, was a lifelong dream of Mr Cox of Bramley in Cuildford.

Despite living comfortably in his Bramley home, Mr Cox wanted to cash in on the value of his property to help with the expensive taxi journeys he needed to get him out and about, increase his income and reduce any Inheritance Tax bill to his estate.

So Mr Cox contacted Independent Financial Advisers, Key Retirement Solutions. They searched the market for him to find the best equity release scheme to suit his needs.

"I CASHED IN PART OF THE VALUE OF MY HOME TO EASE MY FINANCES" With the €50,000 he released from his home Mr Cox now has a new lease of life. He plans to visit relatives in Denmark, Spain and Vancouver, and his essential taxi journeys are much less of a financial burden.

Mr Cox says, "Key Retirement Solutions was able help make the most of my money. So much so that I feel that they have opened up the rest of the world to me. Now I am able to look forward to seeing relatives I haven't seen in a long time and I enjoy a more prosperous retirement." "KEY RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS WAS ABLE TO LOOK AT A VARIETY OF SCHEMES... TO ENSURE I GOT THE BEST DEAL POSSIBLE" Key Retirement Solutions offers specialist, impartial advice on the many different equity release schemes available. All the products that we recommend are provided by members of SHIP (Safe Home Income Plans).

If you are aged over 60 and a homeowner and would like to find out how equity release could change your lives, contact us FREE on 0800 064 70 75 for a free information pack.

Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.30pm Please quote reference 3755 ;on .

KEY fr far pnwflmvni buirau Thr Mr "10rl|*JR or rew W- (MP To: Key Retirement Solutions, Freepost - N WW201 A. FVeston, PR2 2ZY.

I can confirm that I am/we are homeowners aged 60+ and would like more information about Key Retirement Solutions without obligation.

Are you: Single [~ Married T Widov*d P 3755 Name Tel No Your Date of Birth. Partners Date of Birth I can confirm Dial I am/we an: aged 60 or over and own a house *orth £60,000 or more Estmated Value of your Property £ Mortgage Outstanding |pf any) C..