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A Yacht (1)

Two sailors were rescued from their capsized boat in May this year thanks to the eagle eyes of an 11-year-old boy from South Queensferry. Scott Findlater spotted an object floating in the water from his bedroom window and raised the alarm. As a tribute to his observation and persistence, Scott received an RNLI operations director's letter of thanks and the BBC recently re-enacted the rescue for the children's TV programme. Against All Odds.

Gavin Sprott and his daughter Kathenne had been out sailing when their yacht was swamped by an enormous wave at around 7pm. They clung to the upturned boat as 30mph winds swept them along for more than a mile. They had been in the water for more than an hour and a half before the lifeboat reached them but it could have been much longer if they hadn't been spotted by Scott.

He was looking out of his bedroom window when he spotted an object in the water and alerted his father, Gordon.

Using a powerful telescope, Mr Findlater realised that there were two people stranded in the water and immediately called the Coastguard. The inshore lifeboat from Queensferry was launched and found Gavin and (Catherine clinging to the boat- They were both suffering from hypothermia and could not have hung on for much longer The lifeboat crew helped them into the lifeboat and landed them at Hawes Pier where they were treated by ambulance crew before being taken to St John's Hospital in Livingstone. They both made a full recovery and were released from hospital the following day.The BBC decided to include the story in Against All Odds and arranged for a reconstruction of the rescue. Filming took place on location in October. The parts of Gavin Sprott and his daughter were played by lifeboatman Duncan Small and local actress Kathryn Ritchie- The lifeboat crew from that night, helmsman lain Leil and crew members Scott Boyd and David McNeil, played themselves, as did Scon and his father.

Filming commenced with the firing of maroons to scramble the lifeboat. She was quickly launched and sped to the scene of the stricken yacht, supplied by South Queensferry Sea Cadets. The sailors were taken aboard and given thermal wraps before being taken back to Hawes Pier, where they were met by Scott, his father and Mike Davis, deputy launching authority and training officer at Queensferry lifeboat station. Some of the filming was quite spectacular, with one scene involving the capsize of the yacht, throwing Kathrvn and Duncan into the water.

Oliver Ludlow from Port Edgar Sailing School provided the waves with the wash from his high-speed craft. Kathryn and Duncan showed great resilience as they were in and out of the water all day.

The finished film will be shown as part of the BBC's Against All Odds programme in Spring 2002..