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Family and dogs snatched to safetyLyme Regis inshore lifeboat faced an unusual challenge on 31 July this year. They rescued six holidaymakers and their three dogs - one an eight stone Labrador with injured paws - who were in danger of being cut off by the tide two miles east of Seaton.

The Bryan family, who were holidaying from Hollingbourne, in Kent, realised their predicament as the water closed in around them.

Fortunately, they had a mobile phone, which they used to alert the Coastguard who called out the Lyme Regis lifeboat.

After putting a crew member ashore with the family at Culverhole Point, it was obvious that more manpower would be needed to transfer the over-weight pooch, so the lifeboat returned to pick up additional crew members.

Once safely returned to Lyme Regis, it took four crew members to lift Ruby the Labrador out from the lifeboat and into a waiting Coastguard rescue vehicle - which whisked her off to the local vet, where she was diagnosed as suffering from shock and four very badly blistered paws.

Ruby's owner, Lynn Bryan, praised the lifeboat crew for the way they handled the incident. In reply, David Manners, Lyme Regis station secretary commented that the RNLI exists to save human lives, 'but if we can save pets at the same time - particularly lovely big soppy dogs like Ruby - then that is all right with us/.