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Fire dramaCoordination between the lifeboat and the Navy was the key to the successful operation to save a blazing Spanish trawler. Fire had broken out at around 3pm on Saturday, 27 January in the accommodation section of the ship, which had 12 people on board.

The John and Margaret Doig left Vafentia at 3.20pm and headed for the trawler's position, 55 miles west of Bray Head. Fortunately seas were moderate with good visibility and Force 5 winds but the journey still took two hours. The Irish Naval vessel LE Aoife was also in the vicinity and arrived shortly after the lifeboat.

The Navy took command of the operation and put a firefighting crew on- board the trawler, while the lifeboat stood by. After tackling the fire for almost an hour, the Navy requested that the lifeboat evacuate 10 of the Spanish crew members, although the skipper and first mate stayed on board to help the firefighters. The lifeboat then stayed on scene to heip the Navy team with the transfer of fire-fighting equipment.

During these transfers, coxswain Seanie Murphy noticed that manoeuvring the lifeboat seemed more difficult than usual so he asked mechanic Leo Houlihan to investigate. He found hydraulic fluid leaking into the steering system due to a broken pipeflange. Thankfully, the problem was not incapacitating but it made Seanie's job far harder than normal as he manoeuvred in 3-4m swells between the two other vessels. It was only thank to his considerable skill that the lifeboat was able continue helping. 'It is on occasions like this that teamwork really comes into play,' said Leo.

The fire fighters had been having difficulty tack the blaze but at 11,30prn, after six hours' effort, it was finally brought under control. The lifeboat fen the 10 crew members back to Valentia, arriving at 1.45am on the Sunday morning. During the entire journey, Leo struggled with the steering problem enable Seanie to get them home.

The Galaxia was towed to Valentia. Thanks to th efforts of the Navy and the lifeboat crew, damage \ limited to the accommodation and galley areas of tl ship and, after a couple of days for repairs, the ship was able to sail back to Spain under its own power.

The lifeboat's steering problem was also speedily remedied and she was back on duty soon afterwanTHE LIFEBOAT Severn class lifeboat ON 1218 John tnd M*rg*rrl Doig Builf 1996 Cost f 1 58m Funding Bequest of Ml» Mary Doig together with other legacies THE CREW Operations Director'* Collective Letter of Think* Co i swain Seanie Murphy Ciew Members Martin Morinrty Leo Houlihan Andrew Ouigley Thomns Gilligan Richard Ouigley Dominic Lyn* VALENT1A LIFEBOAT STATION Established 1864 Oosefl 1896-1946 Previous Medals (some a waided betoie an RNLI station was establishedl Silver 18281x51.1861,1970 Bronze 1963 Thanks on Vellum 19701x41.

1983 THE CASUALTY 34m Spanish hshing vessel Galtxia Crew 12 THE WEATHER Cloudy Visibility Good Wind SE Force 5 Sea slate Choppy, 4m swell.