The Cooperative Bank
The COPERATIVE BANK Our lowest loan rate ever instant decision ' amount from £1,000 to £15,000 ds transferred directly to your bank account arrangement fees or security payment Protection Insurance is available - with free travel insurance* most popular unmjssab((, Ivnow It's easy, quick and FREE so just call quoting reference no lononUK residents, anyone under 21 or WM 70 years of age. The Co-ofjer alive Bankp.l.c. reserve*, the riglil liuleiI«H' .MIV kun jpplKMlinn ! nl ni.ry. m ii'tt.tmnr, i!iiKl,irm"'.i"i!.il iKi1i * n-tion. nlli'f ,i Im" ,tl ,111 allemalive rate o tlwse advertised. Rates corec! as at 29/03/2001. 'Free travel insurance wilh loans of Cfi.OOO or mofe with Repayment Prolection Insuwve Ivi iral APR ii ltn- whuh ili Mii,i|iiriivo loam by number, wising from this advertisernenl. nv expected to be made.
Registered Office: The Co-operative Bank p.l.c . I Balloon Street, Manchester M60 4EP. England, Regislerpd Number 010917 Websilp; opera!