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The finest VITAMINS T TAX FREE PRICES ealthsDan HIGH STRENGTH Glucosamine 750mg As we get older, our cartilage gradually degenerates through wear and tear. This can lead to osteo-arthritis; a joint disorder characterised by joint stiffness and pain. This condition must not be confused with osteoporosis, which is characterised by brittle bones of low mineral density.

Glucosamine in its natural form exists in all of our joints and muscles, playing a role in the everyday mobility and smooth working of cartilage, tendons and ligaments. It is a major building block of the complex proteins called 'glycosaminoglycans' that in turn form part of the structure of cartilage.

Each Healthspan tablet contains ?50mg of pure pharmaceutical grade Glucosamine sulphate to mirror this naturally existing Glucosamine in your cartilage. Purity is of particular importance for Glucosamine because quality of raw ingredients can vary tremendously from supplier to supplier.

(WORTH £1-95) On All Orders In our advertising we always tell you the exact strengths of all our key ingredients. Our competitors rarely do - have you ever wondered why? Healthspan - Quality you can Ginkgo Biloba 3000mg When buying Ginkgo, ensure thai it is a 'standardised extract' and no! powdered leaf.

Our tablets contain 60mg of 'concentrated' 50:1 extract - equiv. to 3000mg of Ginkgo leaves. This extract is also standardised to contain 2&% of 'flavone glycosides' (14.4mg) per tablet.

Indicates suitable (or Vegetarians Cod Liver Oil 570mg Our $70mg capsules are rich in Vitamins A - 0 which are essential for the maintenance of healthy joints, sxin, hair, and strong bones.

Our Oil is also concentrated to provide you with mofe of the important Omega 3 fatty acids to help you maintain a healthy heart and circulation. (Each capsule provides Wmg of EPA and 7Qmg of OHA) Selenium WITH VITAMINS A, c & E The essential tiace element which 15 vital to our hearth, it is an essential part of the body's anuowJant immune defences, which help mop up excess, cell damaging, unstable oxygen molecules known as 'free radicals' Each tablet contains lOOmcg of organic (cheated) selenium, with Vitamin A as Beta Carotene and Vitamins C and E at 100% of the EC RDA.

St John's Wort - womcg HYPERION Hugely popular, it is also known to as the 'Sunshine Herb1. Our tablets contains 300mg of concentrated 'standardised' St. John's Wort Extract, so tha! each tablet ts guaranteed to contain at least 900mcg of the active ingredient 'Hyperion'. Powdered products that do not specify the Hyperran content should be avoided completely Evening Primrose Oil+VITAMINF Our SOOmg capsule contains a full 4Smg of GLA (Gamma unolenic Aod). a natural fatty acid used by the body to form prosta gland ins. Its purpose is to help control and regulate cell growth and the maintenance of hormonal balance. It also helps maintain a healthy skin Our rjtl is enriched with natural Vitamin £ at 50% of the RDA.

Glucosamine SOOmg + CHONDROJL Glucosamine Sulphate (SQOmg) in us natural form exists m all of out joints and muscles.

Ctiondroitin Sulphate is also found naturally in the cartilage 'matrix', where it helps form a sponge-like substance that acts as nature's shock absorber. Each tablet contains 1 QOmg of Chondroitm Sulphate sourced exclusively from fish Most of our competitors use Chondroitm sou iced from the cartilage of cattle.

iJJJ.!IUIJ±UlllJ'.l!I.UI.ILUI£2BI 1AX b VITAMINS OH Coa Liver Oil -High Strength Norwegian - 57Qmg ( Evening Primrose Oil - SOOmg with Vitamin { Ginkgo Biloba. Concentrated - 300Qmg ( Glucosamme SOOmg with Chondroum lOOmg Glucosamine Sulphate - 750mg ( Organic Selenium. lOOmcg with Vitamins A. C & E St John's Wort, 900mcg Hyperion (ALSO AVAILABLE: Garlic Tablets. Triple Strength 1 200mg ( 50-P1u5 Vitamins & Minerals with Ginkgo Bilotw MSM - SOOmg 'Perfect Partner for Glucosamme' [ OsteoPtus - Calcium Supplement Vitamin B Complex with Biotm f Fglic Acid ( Vila mm C with Bioflavonoids - SOOmg (Aspaname free! Vitamin E 'Natural Source' - 400iu 360 @ £6 95 360® £7 95 360® £11-95 120® £7'95 360 @ £1395 360 © £8 95 120 @ £5 95 360 @ £7 95 1BO@£B95 240 @ £11 '95 360(®£10'95 360 @ £8 95 360® £10 95 360 @£ 16 95 (TOTAL PRICE INCLUDING FREE POSTAGE ft PACKING £ £ £ £ £ £ £ TO ORDER: Please fill in this order form, enclosing a Cheque or PQ made payable to 'Bearthspan' and post rt to H*aKrwp*n Ltd, PO Box 64, Pirk Street St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3BT.

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