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TV stars draw record breaking lottery Joan Hooley (Josie from EastEnders) and George Sewell (Matt Drayton in The Detectives) drew the winning tickets for the most successful Lifeboat Lottery ever on 26 January. The 92nd draw beat all previous records, raising £283,832. Top prize, a two-week Canadian Rocky Mountain holiday, was scooped by Mr A Addison of Kent and the cash prize winners were: • £1,000 - Mr and Mrs B Knight, Alton • £500 - Mrs CG Bentley, Leics • £250 - Mrs E Scarse, llfracombe • £100 - Mr WR Bennett, East Lothian; Mr J Greengrass, Somerset; Mr HE Smith, Carmarthen; Mr and Mrs I Hopkin, Westhill; Mr I Trickett. Lanes First prize for the Summer draw is a Suzuki 1.3GL five door hatchback worth £8,000 (below).

This exciting prize was kindly donated by Britannia Rescue and comes with one years' free road tax and Britannia Rescue's Standard cover.

If you would like to receive tickets for this, and future lotteries, please contact Rebekah Rose on 01202 663219, 8.00am - 5.00pm, weekdays.Keeping it in the family Ramsgate's medal-winning coxswain Ron Cannon retired in January after 36 years service.

Ron, the longest-serving Ramsgate coxswain, and the only serving crew member to have been awarded two RNLI Silver Medals for gallantry, stepped down safe in the knowledge that the boat will be in good hands - his eldest son Ian takes over as coxswain and his youngest, Paul, will be deputy.Amble yachtmasters Ten members of Amble lifeboat crew were recently awarded RYA Yachtmaster certificates as the result of attending a 20-week navigation and seamanship training course.

The course, held at the local high school, was organised by the station's secretary and the school's headmaster who is also a member of the crew. The station now has 12 qualified Yachtmasters on the crew.ALL WEATHER Yarmouth Mallaig INSHORt Tenby Severn 17-25 (ON-1249) Eric and Susan Hiscock (Wanderer! on 24 January 2001 Severn 17-26 (ON-1250) Henry Alston Hewitt on 30 January 2001 D-562 Georgina Stanley Taylor on 11 January 2001 Weston-Super-Mare B-769 Coventry and Warwickshire on 13 January 2001 Arran (Lamlash) B-770 The Boys Brigade on 24 January 2001 Calshot D-429R Vfon 25 January 2001 (relief) Scarborough D-560 John Wesley Hiliard II on 15 February 2001.