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List of Launches

Ahcrdi'i'n ALBON-I24K: Aug 11. Aug 29 ( m i i f ) . Sep K (twice). Oct 1 and Oct 13 ILBD-536: Aug 9, Aug 11. Aug 29 (twice), Sap 8 (twice), Scp 29 andOct 13 l n n l i n t' 1LBB-7SS: Aug 2, Aug 5.

Aug 14. Aug 21. Scp 2, Sep 3.

Sep 15. Scp 17. Scp 23 and Scp 24 A hi'r Mich ILBB-5X2 u« 5 ( i w i c eK Aug I! uj: 13. ny Is ;. Aug 28.

Aug 30 | twice). Aug 31. Sep 4.

Oct Trad Oct 26 AhcnMttUh ILBB-7IM: Aug 6, Aug 22, Aug 2( , Aiij; 31 and Scp 8 diill IsUnd ALBON-1240: Aug Hand Oct I l l i Inn .Ji l I U 1 V I I N 4 : Sep 24 (twice) ALBON-II93; Scp 16 ILB D-520: Aug 16. Aug 23.

Sep 3. Scp 24 and Oct 2S Aldenu') ILB n-5M: Scp 3 and Sep 7 Amhli- ALB ON-1176: Scp 12 1LBD-447: Scp I. Scp 12 and Oct 17 Angle ALBON-1II4: Aug ll.Aug 16. Aug 25. Oct 14 and Ocl 22 ILB 0-493: Aug 5 (twice), Aug 6 and Aug 25 Anstrufhi-r ALBON-1174; Aug 4. Aug 12.

Aug 24. Aug 27. Scp 3. Sop Id anil Scp 25 ALBON-1178: Ocl I6and Oct 28 Appk'dore ALB ON-1142: Oct 21 and Ocl 27 ALBON-U46: Aug I I (twice), Aug 15 (twice). Aug27.Aug29 and Scp 19 ILB B-742: Aug 15 (twice). Sep 19. Sep 29. Oct 10 and Oct 27 (three limes) ran Islands ALBON-1150: Aug 1. Aug 27.

Scp 28. Ocl 3. Oct 4. Oct 5. Oct 7 and Ocl 21 Arnriulh ALBON-1194: Scp 24 and (M 4 !LB D-471: Aug 14 and Ocl 4 rklnw ALBON-I22R: Aug 12. Aug 22. Scp 6. Scp 29 and Oct 4 V i i .in (Lamlash) ILB B-592: Aug I. Aug 2. Aug 9. Aug 10 and Aug 13 Armnmore ALBON-1244: A u g l . A u g l l .

Aug 21. Aug 22. Aug 27. Scp 11 and ()ci 29 Atlantic Colkjit ILBB-757: Scp 19 ILB B-763: Aug S and Aug 21 Ball) cotton ALB ON-1233 SL-| 1 BulU lasK ALBON-1235: Sep 2N I'. i l l l l r l nU ALB ON-1137: Aug 17. Scp ft.

Scp 11, Scp 27 and Ocl 3 (twite) Bugor ILBU-5X4: Aug 8. Aug !2.Aug 13, Aug 14. Aug 19. Aug 20.

Aug 27. Aug 31. Scp 2. Scp 21.

Sep 22 and Scp 29 Bat-mouth ALBON-IIX5; Aug 5. Aug 10 (twice). Aug 11. Aug 2? i i u i L L - l .

Aug 26 and Aug 30 0-444: Aug 4 (twice). Aug 5 (ihrce time-.). Auj; 10. Aui; 2(1. Any 21. Aug 23 (four times). Aug 25 (the liniiM and Sep 15 i i Muni ALBON-1230: Aug I. Aug 31 and Oct 26 Barrn« ALBON-II17: Aug 1 ILB I1-4-1.V Aui: 1 and Aug 16 B«rr Dock ALBON-1082: Aug I. Aug 23 andOct 23 i ; . . i n H i . i i n ILBB-563: Aug 2. Aug 7. Aug 13. Aug 22 (twice). Aug 26.

Aug 27. Aug 29 (twice! and Aug 31 ILBB-76H: Sep 8. Scp 10, Scp 17. Scp 23. Scp 29 (twice). Ocl 3. Ocl 7 and Ocl 15 (mice) Hi nil.i nl"i ALB ON-1126: Aug 7. Aug 10.

Aug !7.Sep6.Scp l2u Mivi and Ocl 13 ILB D-4K6: Scp 2 and Sep 16 ILB D-503: Auc 7 Bi- r w i c k -1 po n -T« e I'd ALBON-1191: Ocl 13 II It l -4')4: Ocl 13 I I I . 1 1 1 , 1 1 ' . ' . I 11 H H-74X; Aug 2S. Aug 29 ami Scp 23 ILB D-429: Aug 3. Aug 26, Sep 23 .in.l Ocl 19 ILBD-442: Aug 26. Aug 2S and Aug 29 II UD-55X: Sep 23 and Oct 19 Myth ALBON-1204: Aug 11. Aug 13. Scp I I . Scp 17, Ocl 12 and Od 29 ILB D-464: Aug 19. Scp 17 and Oct 29 Rorth ILBO-479: Aug I. Aug 13 ( l u i i ' d . Aug 19. Aug 22 I iw ice). Aug 23 (twice) and Aug 27 ALBON-M69: Aug fi, Scp 18, Ocl I S a n d l k l 22 ILBD-426: Aug I . Aug 6 IHMCCl. liy III (UMCl'l. Alll! 12.

Aug 25 and Aug 26 ILB 0-469: Aug 31 and Scp 2 (twice) 11 ii I) ?7: Sep24.Oci I.Ocl 16. Ocl 19 and Ocl 27 (twice)Brighton ILBB-713: Aug 26. Sep I, Sep 5. Sep 16 (twice) and Sep 24 (twin) ILIi H-737: Aug 6. Aug 10, Aug I I . Aug 13. Ocl I. Del 6 and Oci 26 Brought;* Ferry ALB ON- 1099: Aug I. Aug 25.

Aug 27 (twice). Sep 5. Sep 18.

Sep 24. Sep 29. Oct 14. Oct 20 (iwice) and Ocl 28 ILB D-539: Aug 1. Aug 25.

Aug 27 (twice), Sep 2. Sep 5.

Sep 9 (twice). Sep 18. Sep 24.

Sep 29. Sep 30. Ocl 14, Ocl 20 (twice). Oct 21 and Oct 28 Buckle ALB ON- 1077: Aug I I ALB ON- 1093: Aug 4. Sep 2.

Scp H.Oct I. Oct 6 and Oct 13 I I . H lt-711: AugMlhrec times). Sep 9. Sep 10. Ocl 17 and Oct 29 Burnham-on-("niuch 11.11 lt-733: Oct 29 ILBB-755: Aug 3. Aug 12 (twice), Aug 13. Aug 26. Aug 27 and Scp 16 (twice) ILB D-519: Aug 27 Burn Port 1LRD-472: Scp 24 and Oct I! Calshol ALBON-1090: Sep 17 (twice} and Sep 22 ALBON-1104: Aug 3. Aug 4 (twice), Aug 20. Aug 24. Aug 27 (twice), Sep 1. Oct I. Oct 8 and Ocl 27 CampbelKmn ALB ON- 1 24 1: Aug 2. Aug 10 (twice). Aug 16. Aug 18. Aug 22. Sep 3 and Oct I (twice! ILH D-455: Oct 29 ILBB-752: Aug 5. Aug 11. Sep 9 (iwice), Scp 22. Sep 23 and Oci2l ILBD-547: Aug 15 Ca-iilelonnbere ALBUN-1118: Aug 2 1. Aug :.'. u g 3 l and Scp 2 Claclon-on-Sea ILBB-744: Aug 2. Aug 12 (twice). Aug 14. Aug 19. Aug 27. Sep 10 (twice). Sep 16. Sep 21. Sep 24. Scp 28. Oct I and Oct 26 ILB D-431: Sep 11 II II D-432: Aug 6. Aug 1 1 and Aug 12 C'lpcihorpes ILBD-454: Aug 10. Aug 14, Aug 16, Aug 17. Aug 19. Aug 25, Aug 26 (Iwice). Aug 3 1 and Scp 27 (llfden ILBB-7SI: Aug 12. Aug IS.

Oct 3 and Cki 26 Clogher Head ALBON-UW: Aug 4 Clmell ILBB-759: Aug 1 5 (twice).

Aug 21). Sep 1 8. Oct 1 8. Oct 23 and Ocl 25 (twite t Conw y ILH1MK2: Aug II, Aug 18.

Aug 25 (twice). Aug 2K (iwice).

Sep 3 and Oct 26 Courimacsherrj Harbour ALBON-1205: Aug 22. Sep 4, Scp 16. Scp 20 and Ocl 2 Courtown ILBD-548; Aug I. Aug 12 and Aug 17 Cowes. ILC ILBB-720: Aug 15 Crasler ILB D-542: Aug 12. Ocl 5 and Oct 15 (riccielh ILBB-707: Aug 8. Aug 11. Aug IS. Aug 24. Ocl 3 and Oct 29 Cramer 1LBIM36: Aug 16. Aug 25.

Sep 23 and Ocl 17 Crosjhaven ILB B-575: Aug 1. Aug 5. Aug 6. Aug 23. Aug 31. Sep I and Oct 9 l l l l M H r . i l .

ILBB-591: Aug 6, Aug 25. Aug 27, Sep 3 (twice). Sep 17 (twice). Oct 5 and Ocl 14 1 1 ( 1 1 1 . l " l l . l l l l .

ALBON-1086: Aug 11. Aug 13. Aug 22 and Oct 3 ALBON-1147: Aug I. Aug 23. Aug 28. Aug 29. Sep 9 and Sep 24 Dover ALBON-1071: Aug 5, Aug I I (twice). Aug 1 9. Aug 20. Aug 21. Aug 24. Sep 4. Sep 15 (twice). Sep 24 and Sep 30 ALB ON-1077: Oct 1 and Oct 2 Dun I .mull Ml.

ALBON-1200: Aug 7, Aug 1 2. Aug 30. Sep 16. Sep 29 and Oct 19 1LBD-441: Aug 7, Aug 20.

Aug 25, Aug 30. Sep 29. Ocl 1 5 and Ocl 28 Dun bar ALBON-1207: Aug 11. Aug 1 2. Aug 1 8. Aug 30. Sep 3, Sep 1 5 and Sep 1 7 ILBD-500: Aug 15. Aug 18.

Aug 19, Aug 20. Sep 3. Sep 15 and Oct 8 ILBD-544: Aug4.Aug lOand Aug 12 Dungeneu ALBON-1186: Aug I, Aug 4.

Aug 1 1 . Aug 2 1 . Aug 22, Aug 23. Sep 24, Sep 25. Sep 30 and Ocl 19 Dun more East ALBON-1215: Sep 12, Sep 27.

Ocl 10, Oct 22 and Ocl 25 Kasl bourne ALBON-1162: Sep 17 (twice). Sep 19, Sep 23. Scp 27 and Sep 28 ALBON-II95: Aug l,Aug2.

Aug 6. Aug 10, Aug 12. Aug 17, Aug 18. Aug 19. Aug 27. Scp 2 (twice). Sep 4. Sep 5 (twice) and Ocl 14 ILBD-449: Scp 16. Sep Hand Sep 23 ILBD-498: Aug 1. Aug 10.

Aug 1 5, Aug 1 7, Aug 1 8. Aug 27. Sep 5 and Sep 9 K ninuth ALBON-1133: Aug I. Aug 2.

Aug 25, Aug 26 (twice), Aug 31, Sep 1 and Sep 23 (twice) ALB ON-1245: Sep 27. Sep 28 (twice), Oct 13 and Oct 28 ILB D-516; Aug I. Aug 2. Aug 5, Aug 6, Aug 15, Aug 23. Aug 26 (twice). Aug 27 (twice). Aug 31. Sep 1. Sep 3. Sep 23. Scp 27 and Ocl 24 I- i-niii nth ALBON-1209: Aug 5, Aug 17.

Aug 29, Sep 14, Sep 25. Sep 27 (twice) and Sep 28 I i l n n m t l i ALBON-1201: Aug 4. Aug 6. Aug 7. Sep 27, Oct 29 and Oct30 ILBB-595: Aug 16 (Iwice).

Aug 19, Aug 24. Aug 27, Aug 30, Sep 27. Ocl 20, Ocl 29 and Oct 30 Fenil ALBON-1239: Aug I, Aug 19, Oct 1. Oct 6 and Oct 19 Fethard ILBD-465: Aug 15. Aug 18.

Aug 21, Aug 28, Sep 29. Sep 30.

Oci 1. Oct 5. Oct 6. Oct 7 and Oct 8 I ik- ALBON-II70: Aug9.Auglo| Sep 5 and Sep 6 (iwicc) ILB D-437: Aug 16. Aug 18, Aug 24. Aug 26. Aug 27 (twice), Sep 5. Scp 6. Sep 13 and Oct 13 Fishguard ALB ON-1226: Aug 8. Aug 31, Sep 17, Sep 28, Sep 29. Oct 19 and Ocl 30 ILB D-505: Sep 17. Oct 7 and Oct 30 1 I . M I l i r n l i r u - ll iLBB-703: Aug 8 (iwice). Aug 18. Aug 23, Sep 12, Sep 17. Sep 18 and Sep 24 Fleetwood ALBON-M56: Aug 12and Ocl 28 ALBON-II78: Aug 29 and Sep20(lwicc) ILB D-424: Aug 2, Aug 5. Aug 12. Aug 21. Aug 29 and Aug 31 ILBD-556: Sep 20, Oct 22. Oct 23 (twice) and Oci 28 FUnl 1LBD-486: Ocl 30 (iwice) and Ocl3l ILBD-510; Aug 16 (twice) and Aug 20 Fumy ALB ON-1222: Aug l.AugS, Aug 18, Aug 19. Aug 25 (twice) and Oci 1 ILB D-526: Aug I, Aug 7, Aug 11. Aug 20. Aug 27 and Sep 2 I i . i i i i h n i - h ALBON-1109: Aug 12 Galway ILBB-738: Aug 13. Aug 28.

Aug 29 and Scp 17 (iirvan ALBON-1196: Aug 3 and Sep 29 (.1 Yarmouth and (.nrlcMon ALBON-1208: Aug 12, Aug 25. Sep 5, Sep 6. Sep 8 and Oct 23 ILB B-574: Aug 1, Aug 9, Aug 12. Aug 15, Aug 17 (iwice), Aug 19 (iwice) and Aug 22 Happisburgh ILBD-468: Sep 28. Ocl 3 and Oct 18 I hi i Hi'pui i| ALBON-II06: Ocl 24 and Oct 28 ALBON-1131: Aug I8and Sep 9 ILBB-766: Aug 13 Harwich ALBON-1202: Aug 4. Aug 17 and Sep 6 ILB B-571: Aug 4 and Aug 7 (Iwice) ILB B-590: Aug 12. Aug 13.

Aug 14. Aug 17 (mice). Aug 18, Aug 26, Aug 28, Aug 29 (twice). Aug 30, Scp 5 (twice), Scp 10. Scp 13, Scp 20, Sep 24 (twice), Oct 7 (twice). Ocl 9. Oct 10, Ocl 15. Oct 16 (twice). Ocl 18. Oct 21 and Oci 22 Hasting* ALBON-II25: Sep 18, Sep 24.

Sep 25. Oci 1 and Oci 14 ALBON-1162: Aug I, Aug 5.

Aug 8. Sep 4. Sep 5 and Scp 10 ILB D-540: Aug 1. Aug 8. Aug 13. Aug 16. Aug 20, Aug 22.

Aug 27, Sep 4. Sep 7. Sep 10, Sep 17 (iwice). Sep 25, Ocl 6.

Oct 8 and Oci 14 Hay ling Island ILBB-712: Aug 7. Aug !2,Aug 16,Aug2l,Aug23.Aug24.

Aug 25. Aug 28 (iwicc). Aug 30, Sep 1. Sep 2. Sep 5. Sep 9. Sep II) (twice). Sep 15, Sep 16. Ocl 1 (twice). Oct 8. and Oct 16 (twice) ILB D-4%: Aug 3, Aug 12. Scp 2 and Sep 15 Helensburgh ILB B-581: Aug 6. Aug 17, Aug 18. Sep 17, Oct 3, Ocl 8 and Oct 18 Helvick Head ILB B-760; Aug 2 (twice). Aug 3, Aug 7 and Aug 27 Holyhead ALliON-1123: Aug 5. Aug 9.

Aug 13. Aug 20 and Aug 23 ILB D-507: Aug 5 and Aug 27 Horton and Port F.ynon ILBD-531: Aug 5 (Iwice), Aug 6. Aug 9. Aug 12, Aug 26, Aug 29 (iwice) and Sep 29 Howlh ALBON-1113: Aug 29. Sep 13 and Ocl 26 ILBD-530: Aug 14. Aug 20.

Aug 22, Sep 3 (twice), Sep 4.

Oct 5 and Ocl 15 Hoy lake ALBON-U63: Aug 4, Aug 8.

Aug 19. Aug 26 and Sep 20 H umber ALBON-1237: Aug I. Aug 31. Sep 9, Sep 16. Sep 24 and Oct 27 Hunstanton ILB B-749; Aug 2. Aug 4, Aug 13. Aug 14. Aug 15. Aug 16.

Aug 23, Aug 27. Aug 28 and Aug 31 llfracumbe ALBON-II65: Aug 3. Aug 6.

Aug 19. Aug 20. Aug 28. Scp 11. Sep 29 and Oct 1 ILBD-483: Aug 7 ILBD-555: Aug 10 (twice).

Aug 18. Aug 22. Aug 27, Aug 28, Aug 29 (twice). Sep 13 and Oci 1 Invergordon ALB ON-1206: Aug 4. Aug 5 .1(1,1 S,r " May ALBON-1159: Ocl2u jnd O«29 ALBON-1219: Aug 21. Scp 23 and Oci 8 Kllkeel ILB B-593: Aug 6 (twice).

Aug 12. Aug 16. Aug 19 and Ocl 30 Kllnuirc Quay ALBON-1187: Sep 25 Kilrush ILBB-729: Sep 17 and Oct 28 I in-ill" ii ILBB-701: Aug 4, Aug 12, Aug 13. Aug 14 (Iwice). Aug 21. Aug 23. Aug 25 and Aug 30 ILBB-720: Sep 3, Sep 29, Scp 30 and Ocl 29 Kippford ILBD-477: Sep 27 Kirkcudbright ILB B-585: Aug 15. Sep 18 and Ocl6 Kir k» nil ALBON-1231: Aug l.Aug9.

Aug 26, Sep 3 anil Sep 20 Kyle Of Lochalsh ILB B-740; Aug 23 (twice). Sep 10. Ocl 4 and Oct 27 l.srgs ILBB-732: Aug 26. Sep 3, Sep 6 and Sep 24 ILBB-739: Aug I, Aug 2 (iwicc) and Aug 6 (twice) l.arnc ALBON-1086: Ocl 30 ALBON-1246: Aug 12. Aug 20, Aug 21 and Sep 10 ILB D-428: Aug 22 Lerwlck ALB ON-1221: Aug 18, Aug 19. Aug 20 and Aug 27 Little and Broad Haven ILB D-492: Sep 23, Sep 24 (twice) and Ocl 12 I.iitkhamnton ILBB-564: Aug 1, Aug 23. Sep 3. Sep 9, Sep 26. Ocl 14, Oct 18 and Oci 29 Liltlesione-on-Sea ILB B-558: Aug 4. Aug IS. Aug 21 and Aug 28 ILB B-568: Ocl 19 1LBB-573: Aug 30, Sep 1. Sep 2 and Oct I I l.i i ul ml mi ALBON-1164: Scp 16 1LBD-508: Aug I. Aug 5. Aug I 1 and Aug 24 Lochlnver ALBON-1144: Aug 9. Aug 12.

Oci 11. Oct 17andOct2l l.onghope ALBON-1098: Ocl 2 Lowes to ft ALBON-II32: Aug 13.Aug 16, Aug 25. Sep 3. Sep 6 and Octllifeboat launches * . mt Regis ILBB-741: Aug 1, Aug 4.

Aug ft. Aug 7. Aug 12. Aug 20. Aug 21. Aug 27. Aug 30, Sep 19, Sep2l,0ct 22 and Oct 25 I MMIII-.l.iil ILBB-566: Aug 4. Aug 14. Sep 9, Sep 2.1 (iwice), Sep 24 and Ocl 1 I ulcini Si Annes ALBON-1189: Aug 6, Aug 24 iwicc)and kt 1 II UD-504: Aug II.Aug 13.

Sep 10 (twice) and Ocl 1 Mabk'lhurpi' ILB D-506: Aug 10. Aug 12.

Aug 19. Aug 27 (three nines!.

Sep I and Sep 9 M mint! ILBB-578: Aug 2 (three iimcM.

Aug 5. Aug IX. Scp 10. Scp 13 and Oct 7 Mallaie ALBON-1078: Aug 6. Aug 14.

Sep 6. Sep 23 and Sep 28 M . i t . i ' i ' n i ILBD-411: Sep3andOct 13 Margate ALB ON-! 124: Sep I. Sep 2.

Sep5,Sep2l and Oci 16 ALBON-1177: Aug I and Aug 26 11.11 D-467: Aug 3. Aug 6, Aug 19(iwiee),Aug28. Scp I.

Sep 10, Sep 30. Oct 22 and Ocl 29 Mint-hi-ud ILBB-708: Aug 2, Aug 3. Aug 16. Aug 28, Sep 14, Oci 6 and Oct 15 (twite) ILBD-549: Aug 3. Aug 13 and Aug 16 MMttra ALBON-1II6: Aug 8, Aug 17.

Aug 22. Aug 27, Aug 28, Sep 4 (twice I and Sep 10 ILBD-532: Aug 15. Scp 4 and Scp 10 Muntruse ALBON-1152: Aug II and Aug 14 "' ! i| • i H i l l .

ILBD-440: Aug l.Aug 10.

Aug -I. Aug 23. Aug 25. Aug 27, Aug 30, Sep 27, Ocl I and Oct 29 Mudeford ILBB-55S: Scp 26 and Scp 30 (twice) 1LB B-583: Aug 2. Aug 4. Aug 5, Aug 12. Aug 24, Aug 26 (Iwice), Aug 27. Scp 3, Sep 4.

Sep 13 (twice), Oct 19. Oct 28 and Ocl 29 VH HP miii.MI ILUB-721: Aug 6. Aug 7. Aug X. Aug 11. Aug 13, Aug 23, Aug 26 (twice), Aug 27 (twice), Sep 10 (twice). Sep 17. Sep 25, Oct I and Oci H New Quay (Cardiganshire) ALBON-1172: Aug 5 and Aug 26 11 H I) 476: Aim 5 NC»|II;.;L'III 1LBB-745: Aug 25 New castle ALUON-IIKK: Aug )(i«u:e .

Sep 2 and (k-t 6 1LB D-478: Aug 5, Aug 12, Scp 2 and Sep 23 New haven ALBON-1243: Aug 10, Aug 17, Aug 23 (twice). Aug 25. Aug 27, Aug 30, Sep 17. Sep 23. Oct 1. Oct 5 and Oct 11 -Newquay (Cornwall) ILBB-7i5: Aug 19. Aug 27.

Aug 29, Sep 9. Scp 28, Sep 29 and Oci 14 ILBD-497: Aug I, Aug 15.

Aug 18. Aug 19, Aug 27, Aug 29, Sep 28 and Oct 14 North Berwick ILB D-452: Aug 5, Auj: 12.

Aug 13, Aug 14, Sep 17 and Oci 28 North Kessock ILBD-417: Aug 5, Sep 2. Scp 8. Sep 11 and Sep 25 Oban ALB ON-1058: Aug I (twice I.

Aug 3 and Aug 5 ALBON-1213: Aug 10. Aug II (twice). Aug 18. Aug 20 (twice), Aug 21 (twice). Aug 23.

Aug 30, Sep 6, Sep 9. Sep 12 and Sep 23 ALBON-1227: Oct 8, Ocl II.

Oci 2.1 and (kl 28 hidslow ALBON-1094: Aug I, Oct 10 and (kl 22 I'enarlh ILBD-534: Aug 26. Aug 29.

Sep 17. Oci 8 and Oci 9 Pcnlee ALB ON-1085: Aug 14. Aug 28 and Oct 11 Peter head ALBON-II27: Sep 17. Ocl 9, Ocl 15 and Ocl 17 Ply mouth ALBON-1058: Aug 31 l BON-IUd: Aug U.Aug !7,Aug !9.Aug2I.Aug23, Aug 27. Sep 12, Scp 23 (three times). Sep 24. Scp 27 (twice).

Oci 7 and Ocl 17 Pool* ALBON-1089: Aug 2, Aug 4.

Aug 13 (Iwicck Aug 20 (twice).

Aug 25, Aug 27, Aug 30. Sep 16, Ocl 1 (twice). Oci 25 and Oct 29 [LBB-710: Aug 2 (twice). Aug 3. Aug 4 (three times). Aug 8.

Aug 12 (iwicc). Aug 13. Aug 15. Aug 20. Aug 25 (three limes), Aug 27 (twice). Sep 6, Scp 10. Scp 12 (twice). Sep 16.

Sep 21, Sep 23, Ocl 1 (twice).

Oct 8, 25 and Ocl 31 Poole Crew Training Centre ALBON-I07I: Ocl 5 Purl Isaac ILB D-546: Aug 17 and Aug 29 Port Si Man ALB ON-1234: Aug 24. Aug 27 and Sep 28 ILBD-462: Scp 28 Port i ..ii.i.i ll.B D-550: Aug 8. Aug 22. Sep 20 and Oct 7 I'orlafcrry 1LH H-706: Aug 10. Aug 12.

Aug 13, Scp 8. Sep 10. Sep 17 and Sep 24 Porlhcawl ILB B-762: Aug 3. Aug 5. Aug 19 (twice). Aug 22. Aug 28 (three times). Sep 3 and Sep !7 Porlhdinllacn ALBON-1120: Aug 10. Aug 11, Aug 13, Aug 18, Aug 22, Scp 8 and Scp 23 Portpatrfck ALBON-11SI: Aug 16. Aug 20. Sep 20 and Sep 21 Portrec ALB ON-1214: Aug 1 and Sep 20 (twice) Portrush ALBON-1247: Aug 19, Aug 23 and Oci 8 ILBD-456: Aug 8. Aug 11. Aug 13 (twice) and Aug 23 Portsmouth ILB B-730: Aug 2 (twice), Aug 7. Aug 10, Aug l2.Aug 13. Aug 16. Aug 24. Aug 25. Aug 28, Aug 30, Sep 22 (twice), Scp 23 and Oct 15 ILBD-421: Aug 7. Aug 12 and Aug 30 ILBD-554: Sep 15 Pwllhtli ALBON-1168: Aug 3, Aug 13.

Aug 15 and Sep 3 ILB D-522: Scp 3 Queensferry ILBB-753: Aug 4. Aug 6. Aug 7. Aug 16, Aug 26, Aug 27, Aug 28. Aug 30. Sep 11. Sep 13, Sep 18, Sep 23. Sep 2 *. Ocl 2, Oct 10, Oct 14. Oct 15 and Oct 26 Ramsey . LliON-M7l: Oct6 Ramsgiile ALBON-II97: Aug 3, Aug 14 (twice). Aug 17, Aug 19. Aug 20. Aug 23. Sep 23, Sep 27 and Sep 30 1LB B-765: Aug 7, Aug 10.

Aug 13. Aug 14 (twice), Aug 20. Aug 26. Aug 21 (twice). Sep 2 (ihrce nun.".). Stp 4. Scp 30 and Oci 25 lii.l H.ii ILB B-728: Aug 15 and Sep 3 Rnfcar ILBB-5KO; Scp 23. Oct 8 and Oct 29 ILBD-523: Aug 24 Rhyl ALBON-II83: Aug 10. Aug 12 (twice). Aug 13, Aug 24. Sep 10 and Sep 12 ILBD-485: Aug I (twice), Aug lO(lwice). Aug 13, Aug !7,Aug 20, Aug 21. AUB 22 (three umes). Aug 23 (twice), Aug 24, Jan 2, Sep 3, Sep9. Sep II. Sep 12. Oci I and Ocl 7 Rock ILBD-189: Aug l.Aug2 (twice), Aug 13, Aug 27 and Ocl 28 (twice) Kim I a IT Harbour ALBON-1092: Augl7.Aug 29. Scp 5, Ocl 21 and Ocl 2V Rye n.ii in..11 ILBB-727: Aug 13, Aug 21 (twice). Aug 23, Scp 16, Sep 24.

Oct 7 and Oci 29 Vi L i in i lh ALBON-1130: Aug I (iwice).

Aug 23 (twice), Aug 25, Aug 30. Scp 26, Oct 16, Oci 20 and Oci 26 Scarborough ALBON-1175: Scp 2, Scp 6 •nd Oct 30 ILBD-466: Aug 15 (twice) and Sep 20 Sea ho uses ALBON-U48: Aug 13 (twice).

Aug 18, Aug 24, Sep 6. Sep 30 and Oct 13 ILBD-529: Aug 13. Aug 28 iiwitc), Aug 30. Aug 31. Sep 30 and Ocl 13 Sclsey ALBON-HI75: Sep I and Oci 27 TLBD-414: Aug 21, Aug 25.

Aug 28. Aug 31, Sep l.Sep3, Scp II. Sep 17, Sep 23 and Scp 25 1LB D-533: Aug 3 Sheerness ALBON-1211: Aug 2. Aug 25. Sep 8 (twice). Sep 16 and Sep 27 ILB D-433: Aug 2 (six limes).

Aug 3. Aug 6. Aug 11. Aug 14.

Aug 28, Sep 10. Sep 29, Sep 30 and (kl : * Sheri ogham ILB B-702: Aug 3, Aug 6. Aug 8, Aug 12. Aug 27, Sep 10. Sep 12 and Sep 13 Shon-ham Harbour ALB ON-1158: Aug 8, Aug 25.

Aug 29. Aug 31 (iwice). Sep 30, Oct 22. Ocl 24 and Oct 25 ILBD 123: Sep 30 ILB 0-451: Ocl 22 and Ocl 24 ILBD-501: Aug 4, Aug 21.

Aug 28. Sep 3 and Sep 16 Siltolh ILB B-714: Aug 13 Skegm-v, ALBON-1166: Aug 20, Aug 27, Aug 28, Sep 6, Sep 23. Sep 24, Sep 27 and Ocl 7 ILB D-460: Aug 1 (fixe limes).

Aug 5. Aug 9 (four limes). Aug 10, Aug II, Aug 15 (twice), Aug 16. Aug 17 (three times).

Aug 19 (iwice). Sep 6. Sep 20.

Vp .' ; ,i:nl V;' ' I Skerries ILBB-747: Aug II and Oct 2 Sligo Bay ILIJ B-512: Aug6 Soulhend-on-Sea ILB B-567: Aug 6 (Iwice).

Aug 7. Aug 12. Aug 19. Aug 25 (three times). Aug 26 (Iwice). Sep 2 (twice). Sep 11.

Ocl 22. Oct 26. Oci 29 and Oct 30 ILB D-425: Aug 5 (iwice). Aug 7. Aug 25 (Iw ice), Aug 26, Sep I. Sep 18 and Sep 19 ILB D-435: Aug 21. Sep 2 (iwice). Oci I and Oct 22 ILB n-487: Oct 22 Snuihwold ILB B-750: Aug U.Aug 15.

Sep24 (twiceland Oct 18 St Abbs ILB B-572: Aug 8, Aug 11. Aug 20, Sep 1 5 and (kl 5 Si Agnes ILBD-453: Scp 2 6 St Bits ILBB-719: Aug 2 1 . Sep 3 and Ocl II SI Catherine ILB B-579; Aug I. Aug 13. Aug 30, Scp III, Scp 29 and Sep 30 H-754: Oci 29 St Davids ALBON-U39: Aug 8, Sep 24 and Sep 28 ILBD-543: Aug 10 and Ocl 15 Si Ik-livr ALBON-1157: Aug I. Aug 5.

Aug 6 (twice), Aug 9, Aug 13, Aug 23, Sep 4. Sep 5 anil Ocl 7 Stives M.HOV1167: Aui!23,Aug 26, Aug 28. Sep 2. Oci 24 and Oci 25 ILB D-515: Aug 12, Aug 26.

Aug 28 (twice). Sep 2 (twice I and X-t 24 St Mary's ALB ON- 1229: Aug I. Aug 12.

Aug 19. Aug 22 and Sep 27 Si Peter Porl l It MM- 1 ION: Aug 6. Aug 12.

Aug 19 (mice). Aug 25 (twice) and Aug 31 II. H lt-531: Aug 28, Scp 2, Sep N St-p :n. Sep 23 and Oct 10 Sturnoway ALBON-1238: Aug 8. Aug 13.

Oct 1 5 and Oci 24 ALB ON- 1236: Aug 22 Sundrrland ALBON-1225: Aug I. Aug 4, Aug 13 (twice). Aug U.Aug 25, Aug 28, Aug 29, Scp 2. Sep 5 (twice). Sep 1 3, Sep 20 and Sep 24 (twice) ILB D-470: Aug 4, Aug 6, Aug 25. Aug 28. Aug 3 1 and Scp 5 (twice) Swanagr ALBON-1182: Aug 5 nhrei; limes). Aug 6. Aug 9, Aug 13.

Aug 14. Aug 19. Aug 28 (twice), Scp 7 and Sep 23 ILB D-475: Aug 5. Aug 19 and Aug 28 (twin) Tcrsmuuth ALBON-1095: Aug6,Augl2 and Aug 26 ALBON-II10: Oct 28 and Oct 30 U'tgnmouih ILBB-562: Aug 1 1. Aug 13.

Aug 14, Aug 16. Aug 18 I mice I. Aug 20, Aug 23, Aug 28. Aug 31 (three times), Scp 2, Scp 16, Sep 17. Oct Wand Ocl 28 Tenhy ALB ON-1 1 12: Aug22,Aug 25. Sep 19 and Sep 23 ILBD-438: Aug 2 (twice). Aug 5. Aug 12. Aug 18. Aug 23, Aug 28 (twice). Aug 29. Aug 30 (three times), Scp 2. Ocl 10 anti Oci 22 The Lizard ALBON-1142: Aug 23 ALB ON-] 145: Aug 61 lu Mumbles ALBON-10%: AugS (twice).

Aug 27 (twice). Sep 10. Scp 27 and Oct 23 ILBD 132: Oct 23 ILB D-463: Aug 5. Aug 19.

Aug 20. Aug 23. Scp 3. Scp 6.

Sep 15 (twice). Scp 16 and Oct 15 Thurso ALB ON-1149: Aug 12 lijjhnabruuich ILBB-743: Aug I (twice). Aug 2. Scp 23. Sep 30 and Oct 15 lulici linn -, ALBON-II43: Aug 2. Aug 3.

Aug 10. Aug 11 (three times), Sep 6. Sep 20 and Scp 27 Torbay ALBON-1059: Aug 23. Aug 25, Aug 26 (twice). Aug 2H (twice). Sep 2. Scp 7. Scp 9. Sep 21 and Scp 23 ALBON-1076: Ocl I. Oci 23, Oct 26 (twice). Oct 27 and Oct 29 ILB D-406: Aug 7. Aug 11. Aug 12, Aug 21, Aug 23 (three times). Aug 26 (twice). Aug 31 (twice). Sep 23 and Sep 25 ILBD-504: Oct 10. Oct 11. Ocl 14 and Ocl 16 Tramure ILBD-415: Aug 3. Aug 5 and Aug 12 ILBD-S1I: Aug27.Sep 13.

Scp 17 and Oct 22 1 1 1 .11 ililni ll.i ILBB-731: Aug 6. Aug 12. Aug 19. Aug 22. Aug 23, Aug 27, Aug 28 (Iwice). Sep 2. Sep 18 and Oct K Troon ALB ON-1134: Aug 2. Aug 10.

Aug 18 (twice). Aug 19. Sep 2.

Scp 9 (twice). Oct 2 and Oct 5 Tj ni-mouth AL»OV1242i Aug 4. Aug 6 (twice), Aug 20. Aug 23. Sep I 7.

Sep 22 and Oct 25 ILBD-535: Aug 4, Aug 6, Aug 7, Aug 16. Scp 3, Scp 11. Scp !7 and Oct 22 Valentin ALBON-1218: Aug 2, Aug 9.

Aug 24. Aug 2X. Aug 31 (twice).

Sep 10. Oct 5 (twice) and Oet 11 Walmcr ILBB-589: Aug 27. Aug 30 and Sep 18 .ilimi and I i ilium ALBON-II54: Aug 10. Aug 14. Sep 5 (twice). Scp 16 and Oct2l Wells ALBON-M61: Aug 12. Aug 13. Aug 14, Scp 2 and Sep 3 1LBD-512: Aug 12. Aug 13.

Aug 14. Aug 21. Aug 25. Aug 29, Sep 2. Scp 3 and Scp 30 West Kirby ILBD-473: Aug 3, Aug 4. Aug 5. Scp 17 and Oct 16 West Mersea ILBB-570: Aug 2 (twice), Aug 5. Aug 18. Aug 20. Aug 21, Aug 25 (twice), Sep 14 (three times).

Sep 18, Scp 21 and Oct 23 Weston-Super-Mare ILBB-557: Aug 7. Aug 27, Aug 31 and Oct 21 ILBD-537: Aug 7. Aug 23, Aug 27 (twice). Aug 31. Sep 5 (twice). Oct 21 and Oct 23 We Y mouth ALBON-1081: Aug9(lwice).

Aug 12 (twice). Aug 15, Aug 20 (twice), Aug 21. Aug 24. Aug 25 (Iwice), Aug 26. Sep 8. Sep 15.

Sep 17. Sep 29, Ocl 6. Ocl 9 and Oct 28 ILB B-746: Aug 2 (three times), Aug 3 (three times). Aug 5. Aug 9 (twice). Aug 12. Aug 13. Aug 14, Aug 15. Aug 21. Jan 26. Scp 6. Sep 17. Sep 24. Sep 29. Oct II and Oct 2d Whitby ALBON-1212: Aug 10, Aug 15. Aug 22. Aug 28, Scp 2. Sep 5. Sep 6, Scp 20. Sep 23 (twice).

Oct 7, Oct 23. Oct 28 (twice) and Oci 30 ILB D-521: Aug 12, Aug 28.

Scp 4. Sep 23, Ocl 28 and Oct 30 llllM.lill.' ILBB-764: Aug 5 (twice), Aug 25. Aug 26. Aug 28 (three times). Sep I. Sep 2. Sep 3 (three timesi. Sep X. Scp 24. Sep 27,Oct l.Oct 17,Oct2l and Ocl 28 (four times) Wick ALB ON-It60: Scp 18 and Sep 28 W kklcm ALBON-1153: Aug !3.Scp2 and Ocl 14 ILBD-518: Aug 13. Aug 20 and Scp 2 W If III'I II SI .1 ILBD-541: Oct 19, Oct 22 and Oct 29 orkingtnn ALBON-1141: Aug 9. Oct 6 and Ocl 11 Yarmouth ALBON-1053: Aug 2. Aug 5.

Aug 15. Aug 17 (twice). Aug 19.

Aug 20. Aug 24. Aug 25 (three limes). Aug 27 (twice), Aug 28.

Scp 5 and Scp 30 uutthal ILBB-561: Aug 3. Aug 6, Aug 23. Aug 26. Scp 9 and Oct 16 On passage ALBON-1059: Aug 6. Aug 18 ALBON-1075: Aug 12 ALBON-1241: Aug 28 ALBON-1057: Sep 2 ALBON-1058: Sep 10 ALB ON-1086: Scp 23 ALBON-M04: Scp 23 ALBON-1071: Ocl 15 ALB = all-weather lifeboat il.B = inshore lifeboat The services listed here are ihosc tor which returns had been received at HQ by February 2001. There may be other services for which returns had not been received..