Home Income Gold
"Extra cash has changed our lives Like so many other retired couples, Graham Southworth and his wife Marjorie of Blackpool have realised that they can afford a few luxuries in retirement - by making use of their biggest asset: their home Thousands of people aged 65 and over are starting to really enjoy their retirement years. Instead of having to get by on a fixed - sometimes diminishing - income, they are unlocking part of the value of their biggest asset: their home.
"We haven't looked back since we took out an equity release scheme from Home Income Gold,™ says Graham Southworth, a former electrical design engineer. The extra cash we now have to spend has made a huge difference to our lives." You can use the cash to see family and friends more, or take advantage of bargain "last minute" holidays and breaks. The Southworths have been busy using their additional funds on refurnishing their Blackpool home.
As a couple both aged 65 and over, they had the choice of receiving a cash lump sum, a secure income, guaranteed for the rest of their lives or a combination of the two.
"Having talked to a number of friends about the equity release schemes they have taken out," says Graham, "it seems that we have had the best deal, the best service and the best customer satisfaction." "What I find particularly satisfying," says Graham," is that we worked hard for this house. Now it's giving us all the luxuries we had to forego in the early days. It's true what they say. Life is for living" If you are a homeowner aged 65 or over and you would like an information pack, complete the coupon or call FREE on 0800 064 70 75 Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.30pm.
Please quote ref: 3299 HOME INCOME GOLD Because life is for living Countrywide Assured Retirement Services Limited s an Appointed Represenlalive only of Countrywide Assured pk.
wiiKh s rejjuUIed by tfie Persaial Investment Authority for L* Assurance. FViaon and ftrmanent HeaWi Insurance busmesi CHECK THAT THIS MORTGAGE WILL MEET YOUR NEEDS IF YOU WANT TO MOVE OR SfU. YOUR HOME OR YOU WANT YOUR FAMILY TO INHERIT IT. IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT. SEEK INDEPtrslDENT ADVICE Alt loans secured againsl your property. All loam subject to (Ulus Written quotation available on request. An jdrmnmrjtiyi lee nuy be payable in certain crcifnstances. Countrywide Assured Retirement Services Limited, other members of Ihe Countrywide Assured Group and our associated companies, may cxxasionalty tel you about products or series oflered by ourKkes. Telephone calls may be reconted to enable us to ("prove our service Terms and ConcktKxK available on request.
Vwdst the agreed gross rKome payments are guaranteed for the rest of your Me. changes ri tax legislation, or a change to the i tax portion may afccl tfie net return To: Countrywide Assured Retirement Services, Freepost - NWW201 A, Preston, PR2 2ZY. I am a homeowner aged 65+ and would like more information about Home Income Gold™ without obligation.
Name: (Mr/Mrs/Miss) • : . ' - • Postcode: Tel No: Your Date of Birth: Partner's Date of Birth: I am/We are aged 65 or over and own a house worth £60.000 or more Estimated Value of your Property L Mortgage Outstanding (if any) L.