Choice O Adjustable Waistbands Side Adjusters Q Shirt Crip Waistband Q Button or Zip Fly 0 Belt Loops 0 Large Roomy Coin Proof Pockets G Brace Buttons O 2" Extra from crutch to waist Q Leg lengths to fit you INSIDE LEG 27" to 33' (E) Waist s/ze.s to fit you WAIST SIZES 32" to 54" More Styles, More Colours, More Choice Prices from ...
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Brace burtons are something most men take for . So many simply accept trousers that are not quite the right length or the waist size too large, the pockets loo shallow or the crutch and bottom too tight or baggy.
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More choice and more options are just two of this catalogue's greatest virtues. Customers can on traditional style-self'(I to have button fly in preferenrje to a zip. Select styles with brace buttons or side waistband adjusters. An inside cash pwket is very popular with many customers.
The l a t e s t calalogje features around 30 styles tailored from the finest wool and wool mixture fabric's through to hard wearing washable fabric, renowned ti" their ability to retain their shape and smart appearance.
Colour ranges reflect our policy of providing more choice for the customer with a selection of smart traditional colourways.
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Hut Inn fly Listening to uMomers problems led to the development of the high rise trouser, popular with larger men, this style offers an extra 2" of room between crutch and waist, providing supreme comfort and smartness for the fuller figure.
Our quest to provide customers with the comfort they desired vMthnui S.K nfiring smartness of appearance, resulted in the launch of IHII i I.ISMI s| |(-s with (list reel re.» w,nst d.istii.ilinii At last, trousers with up to -'" in ' lr,i growing room. __ _ No longer is il necessary • • ' • • • after a little over indulgence or discard those favourite trousers due to discomfort.
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