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Mechanics down tools to pick winners Lifeboatmen attending a five-day mechanical and engineering course in Poole took time out of their busy schedule to draw the winning tickets for the Autumn lifeboat lottery in October.

The 91st lottery raised over £220,000 for the RNLI, with first prize - a luxurious holiday for two on Lake Garda in Italy - going to Mr and Mrs D Liddell of Corfe Castle.

The cash prize winners were: • £1,000 - Mr TA Bedford, Cwmbran • £500 - Mrs V Ricketts, Bournemouth • £250 - Mr J Burgess, Stirlingshire • £100 - Mrs J Muir, London; Mr R Humphries, Surrey; Mrs JR Bosworth, Hampshire; Miss E Atherton, Wiltshire; Mr RG March, Kent • The RNLI lottery organisers would like to apologise to supporters in Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man who were sent Winter lottery tickets m error Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience or disappointment caused.On Station ALL WEATHER Hartlepool - Arun 52-32 (ON 1106) Keith Anderson on 23 October 2000 Lough Swilly - Tyne 47-012 (ON 1115) Good Shepherd on 13 November 2000 (under evaluation) llfracombe - D555 Deborah Brown on 10 August 2000 Portsmouth - D554 HeytanrJ II on 4 September 2000 Beaumaris B768 Blue Peter II on 4 September 2000 Bridlington - D557 Lord Feoffees III on 8 September 2000 Blackpool - D558 William & Rose Nail on 12 September 2000 Fleetwood - D556 Saddleworth on 13 September 2000 Clacton D559 Seahorse Ball II on 24 October 2000 Erratum Unfortunately two errors occurred under this section in the Autumn issue. The entries for Portrush and Lame stations should have read as follows: Portrush - Severn 17-23 (ON 1247) Katie Hannan on 15 June 2000 Larne - Trent 14-30 (ON 1246) Dr John McSparran on 3 August 2000 Apologies for any inconvenience caused..