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Sir Peter Compston With deep regret we report the recent death of former RNLI Deputy Chairman, Vice Admiral Sir Peter Compston KCB.

Sir Peter had a long and distinguished career in the Royal Navy, including numerous sea-going appointments during World War II. Following the war he held various posts, including Directorate of the Royal Naval Staff College; Captain of Destroyers, based at Plymouth, and a period as a Naval Attache in Paris. He was later in command of the aircraft carrier HMS Victorious and, following promotion to Rear Admiral in 1965. became Chief of British Naval Staff and Naval Attache in Washington. After a further appointment as Flag Officer Flotilla Western Fleet, his final appointment, before retiring, was as Deputy Supreme Allied Commander in the Atlantic.

Sir Peter joined the RNLI Committee of Management in 1972 and was a member of the Search and Rescue Committee from 1971-86, Chairman of the Fundraismg Committee 1973-85 and served on the Executive Committee from 1973- 85. He was appointed a Vice President in 1979 and served as Deputy Chairman from 1979-85.

• It is also with regret that we report the death of John Eardley Wilmot Bryan, Great Yarmouth and Gorleston lifeboat coxswain/mechanic from 1967-76 and a member of the crew from 1956..