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James Cocker & Sons,

ABERDEEN C i T Y COUNCIL To the rescue with the "Shinins isht' Rose Lifeboats * J» AJM.f M.11 I J.YV7 LJ V- Roval Na(lonal U)eboat "Shining Light" was commissioned by Aberdeen City Council as part of the Millennium celebration* and to help raise funds for the RNLI's new Severn Class Lifeboat in Aberdeen, named Bon Agffrd in honour of the city's motto. This new state-of-the-art vessel is now on-station and huul- 1,11 through the sale of "Shining Light" will go towards maintaining the boat.

"Shining Light" is a lovely golden apricot, low growing floribunda or patio rose. It isfSI bushy and free flowering - ideal for beds, borders and patio planters. This appealing, eye catching rose has a slight fragrance and will flower throughout tin- Mimmer. I lit- loh.! plentiful and attractive with glossy, pointed, m xlium i n-t-n K i i"-. Apprux lu-i ht ni)Lin i A donation of £1.50 will be made to the RNLI from the sale of each rose.

Registered charity number 2U" ir, btain your "Shining Light roae/t, complete au order (win beans ana tend mm payment to: James Cocker & Sons, VVhitemyres, Lang Stracht, Aberdeen Telephone: 01224313261 Fax: 01224 312531 email: s.iU-s" r u s e s . i i k . . ( im websit Orders will be despatched by Cockers from the beginning of November for winter planting tn pnww a iffwWhovHB tfl All orders are subject to availability, and orders which cannot be fulfilled will be held over until November of tin- t o l K u M M s PLEASE NOTE: ROSES ARE ONLY AVAILABLE FROM JAMES COCKER & SONS - NOT FROM THE RNLI Name Address I stcode Urlivrry Addr«s lit Jilli-ii'iil tiniti j.1|jirnll Name Address Fbstcode I wish to pay by Cheque/fbstat Order F I Total Cost £ I wish to pay by Credit/Debit Card (Mastercard, Visa, Delta or Switch) Card No Signature t . n ~ Shining Light Rose/s Expiry Date 1 -• it1 u l l V l ' l l t I 1 1 Date Valid from .

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