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In This Issue

News and Views The latest news from and about the RNLI Lifeboat Services 8 The latest rescues including three Bronze Medal awards for gallantry Lifeboats to the Flood Rescue 14 Lifeboats lend a hand inland during the terrible floods of October and November Fast Slipway Boat 2 18 The story so far with the RNLI's experimental slipway lifeboat Shooting the Action 21 The top three winning entries from the RNLI/Kodak photographic competition All in a Day's Work 23 How does a lifeboat volunteer find the time to do it all? Jon Jones asks the questions Stormy Stan's Sea Tales 27 An illustrated story of outstanding bravery and seamanship taken from the pages of Storm Force News Bookshelf Some of the latest lifeboat and sea-related reading People and Places Around and about the RNLI Your Letters A coxswain replies to a previous letter The Fundraisers Just some of the ways the money is raised List of Launches Station by station lifeboat launches for June and July 29 31 33 33 43.