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Exeter Healthcare (1)

"As far as Exeter Healthcare is concerned - I'm still 48." 0845 60 30 615 That's right - with Exeter Healthcare your private medical insurance premiums do not increase simply because you get older. The age you join is the age you stay*. This alone could save you thousands of pounds in the years ahead.

Combined with entirely relevant benefits, you will enjoy the peace of mind of cover from an insurer with more than 70 years experience of the healthcare market.

EXETER HEALTHCARE e-mail: [email protected] f Exeter Friendly Society - Beech Hilt House , ™ L Walnut Gardens • Exeter EX4 4DC •sut-.riptiimi do imrn'iw lo wtl«t thf rising costs JnJ inridnw of Irr.Hnwnl together with devrlopmmts in medical e«p«tiw and tivhnnlnin LBWTOO.