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The Rescue Team

1. Coxswain/mechanic - Mersey class lifeboat The coxswain is responsible for all decisions om the lifeboat is at sea and for the safety of the boat and its crew. At this station the coxswain is also the full-time mechani has to make sure that both lifeboats ai good working order at all times, replai any damaged equipment and run the engines at least once a week to make ."mS'-Sl sure the lifeboats are ready for /7 "" launching in an emergency.

2. Second coxswain - Mersey class lifeboat 3. Assistant mechanic - Mersey class lifebo-* 4. Crew - Mersey class lifeboat 5. ATV (all terrain vehicle) driver 6. Inshore lifeboat crew 7. Station honorary secretary and his wife The station honorary secretary is responsible for the general administration of the station and deciding whether the lifeboat should be launched.

8. Deputy launching authority 9. Chaplain 10. Honorary medical adviser 11. Honorary treasurer 12. Coastguard rescue teams The many Coastguard Co-ordination Centres are responsible for co-ordinating the response to incidents at sea. They receive radio messages and 999 (112 in the Republic of Ireland) telephone calls. If they decide a lifeboat is needed, they will page the honorary secretary of the nearest lifeboat station.

13. EAA NHS Trust with Emergency Response vehicle.

14. The Rt Hon the Earl of Leicester, patron and president of station branch with Lady Leicester and committee members 15. Chairman of station branch 16. Tractor drivers 17. Head launchers IS. Maroon firer 19. Crew and launchers 20. The lifeboat guild members 21. Beach warden 22. RNLI SEA Check Co-ordinat 23. Beach voluntary lifeguards 24. Norfolk Constabulary 25. Sea King helicopter, RAF VUattis, 22 Squadron SAR 26. Mersey class lifeboat 27. D class inflatable lifeboat 28. Talus MBH launching tractor 29. Lifeboat house"his specially commissioned feature is taken from the latest issue of Storm Force News, the magazine of the RNU's club for young people. Storm Force members receive an exciting pack filled with lots of goodies.and receive their quarterly Storm Force News which is crammed full of exciting competitions, puzzles, salty sea tales, jokes, cartoons and many interesting and informative articles For farther information bn bow to join Storm Force contact: Siorrh Fftrc£ ttQ, RNU, West Quay Road, Poote*, Dorset BH15 7HZ.

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