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The Folio Society

illustrated facsimile editions Yours for only 399 FAIRY TALES & FABLES INCLUDING: The Emperor's New Clothes The Ugly Duckling The Frog Primv • Rapunzel The Hare and the Tortoise The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing The Sleeping Beauty Cinderella and nian wore (ACTUAL SIZE 10"x71 ') TALES l/Vrf Worth £109.80 The Fain- Tales of Hans Andersen, -the Brothers (.mum and Charles Perrault. and the fables atuibuted to the legendary figure of Aesop, have enchanted children and adults alike for generations. These !W9 tales have Ix-en published by The Folio Society in four exquisite slip-cased facsimile editions These nlumes h-.iluir (he wonderfully evoraiiuoriginal illustrations ot Heath Robinson. Rackham, Detmold and Dulac, all of them masters of their craft. Their work captures all the beauty and charm l the sioiii-s dial we all icmrmlxT from childhood.

PLUS FREE The Cambridge ( uide to Literature in English Yours to keep, whatever you decide.

Worth £24.95 As your introducdon to The Folio Society, we are offering you these four collections of fair)' tales - worth £109.80 together - for just £9.95 (including postage and packing).

Plus, if you reply within two weeks, we shall also send yon a FREE copy of The ('.nmlnidgf (iuide tn Literature hi EnglMi - which will he vours to keep whatever vou decide about joining.

With your hooks, vou'll also receive a copy of our current Prospectus, with lull details of The Folio Society's complete range for children and adults. Our current publications include modern mid classic fiction, hision and eyewitness accounts.

biography and autobiography, humour, short and anthologies, poetry, legend and auUmiit, books on the classical world.

Ve do NOT send vou unsolicited books or 'choices of the month'. You simply choose foun books from our current Prospectus to Inllil your memlxTship. Remember, we publish mil Umksfiir readers who wish to experience llu- pleasure of owning a collection ol f i n e editions. Sii imi mart voui collection today.

THE FOLIO SOCIETfl 44 Eagle Street, London wcm 4FS I In- Membership Sri rt-uirv. The Knliu S.x U-lv Ltd., FREEPOST. 44 KaKU- Street, London V( !| R -4BR.

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