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Teamwork saves three surfers Thanks on Vellum awarded to Newquay helmsman A;ombined lifeboat and helicopter rescue in Force 8 winds saved the lives of three surfers in January - including a thirteen year old girl who was suffering from hypothermia and severe shock.Newquay's relief Atlantic 75 lifeboat, The Vera Skilton, was launched at 1332 on 22 January 2000 following an alert that three surfers were in difficulties off Crantock Beach, 2'/z nautical miles south of the station.

Weather conditions at the lifeboat launch site were very poor - Force 8 winds were whipping up surf over 3m high - so the lifeboat had to be taken 400m along the beach by tractor where she could be launched from her carriage in slightly less dangerous conditions. Excellent communication between Tractor Driver Phillip Trebilcock and Helmsman Wayne Martin ensured a safe launch and the lifeboat made good speed toward the casualties despite heavy breaking seas and other tidal hazards.

The lifeboat reached The Goose' rock 11 minutes later where two casualties were seen clinging to a surfboard 10ft from its east side.

Another casualty had been washed up on rocks at the base of Pentire Point East and had managed to climb clear of the waves. The Goose' rock provided a slight lee from the prevailing weather conditions but side wash from the 4m waves breaking around the rock caused very confused seas.

Fine seamanship was displayed by Helmsman Martin who managed to hold the lifeboat in Surfers pkki-d up h> 11,11 in ihjs SiT\k-e h> Nvw(|iia> Atlantic 75 IM) - 22 .lanuun 2IKHI I'klnI slri-iim I knul 1 Sidt'HTKl I'.llk MUSH \ * \ The«;««.- I V Rock, Rm-k i IMilirv 1'iihil l- Vuv i .unicuurd dlrvdtnu II l ( i , , i u , u . , h H t > , . Mil '• f-nmlnrlt RriH'h position as the two surfers were recovered. This procedure was especially tricky as one casualty, a 13 year old girl, was suffering from deep shock and the initial stages of hypothermia and was unable to offer any help.

Once in the lifeboat. Crew Members Griffiths and Pascoe calmed the casualties and assessed their situation - meanwhile, Rescue Helicopter 193 (from RNAS Culdrose) had scrambled and plucked the third surfer to safety.

Helmsman Martin thought it hazardous to take the lifeboat back to station and attempt a recovery with the casualties aboard and, after considering other alternatives, it was decided safest to winch the casualties up to the helicopter.

Following a discussion with Rescue 193. the helicopter flew head to sea just to the south of The Goose' rock, with the lifeboat matching its course. After several minutes, conditions just allowed the transfer to the lifeboat of a diver, who placed the girl into the winching strop. As they were lifted clear, a wave hit the bow of the lifeboat, giving the diver and casualty a nasty blow to their legs but once both safely in the helicopter, the diver was again lowered to collect the male surfer.

Following four attempts and an incident where the diver was thrown very hard against the lifeboat's hull, the last casualty was recovered and the helicopter headed straight to Trelisk Hospital.

The service was far from over for the lifeboat crew as they had bumpy passage back to station and tricky recovery to contend with - but skill and teamwork gave a textbook finish to the operation.The Lifeboat Relief Atlantic 75 (B705) The Vera Skilton The Crew Tfignks on Vellum Helmsman Wayne Martin for his 'boat handling skill.

judgement and leadership.' '...[he] handled the Atlantic 75 expertlv...' Chairman's fetter of Thanks Crew Members: Laurence Pascoe and Jeremy Griffiths Tractor Driver; Phillip Trebilcock Director's Letter of Thanks Leading Aircrewman Jason Bibby of RNAS Culdrose rescue helicopter 193.