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Porthcawl - Wales and West Mercia Division

Porthcawl - Wales and West Mercia Division In its literal translation from Welsh, 'port - cawl' means 'port of boiling broth' as the seaside resort faces brutal prevailing Westerly winds and currents - and the highest rise and fall of tide anywhere in the world.

Lifeboats first operated from here in 1860 with the original station standing on the main Promenade. The lifeboat was withdrawn in 1860 after the decline of the trading port, but in 1965 a D class inshore lifeboat was allocated. The inshore lifeboat was housed in temporary accommodation provided by the local council. • H This lean-to building, situated * l *J***te alongside an old warehouse at r WJ „ - * O H tne na|rbour entrance, served well for over 30 years until the fine station which stands today was built by local contractors.

Main photo Ref: 657255 Detailed photo Ref: 657264.

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