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For a healthy lifespan VITAMINS AT TAX FREE PRICES We can't stop the progress of time, but with a healthy lifestyle and well chosen supplements we can forestall some of the effects of ageing and enjoy an improved quality of health during our lifespan. We call this quality of health our Healthspan.

We're also not alone in our beliefs - every year we receive literally millions of orders from people all over the UK who trust Hea/thspan to provide their vitamins and supplements. We believe that they choose us because we never compromise on quality.

our products are made in government inspected and approved factories where all our ingredients have lo be passed by qualified pharmacists for purity before they can be used in tablet or capsule manufacture. We don't believe that any other mail order company the UK can make the same claim.

But we also never compromise on price and service.

Because the company is based in Guernsey you get all your vitamins and supplements at Permanently low Tax Free Prices plus a first class service.

There are also no hidden extras - our prices always include FREE Post and Packing (most of our competitors charge an extra £1.95). And what about our FREEPHONE service? Every time you phone us to place an order, we pay for the cost of the call • not you! And finally, in our advertising we always spell out in detail exactly what our products contain, so that you can compare Heaithspan 'Quality' and 'Ingredients' with those of our competitors.

why not make a change for the better and join the thousands of customers who switch to Healthspan quality every week.

FREE Postage & Packing Jntfroifes suifdbte for Ifegeldrum Ginkgo Biloba - ooomg When buying Ginkgo. ensure thai it is a 'standardised extract' and not powdered leal Our tablets contain 60mg of 'concentrated1 50 1 extract - equiv to JOOOmg of Ginkgo leaws This extract is also standardised to contain 24% of 'flavone glycosKfes' (M4mg) per tablet '50 PlUS' VITAMINS fr MINERALS A balance of twenty essential nutrients to help maintain good hearth for ewryone over the age of 50. includes antioiidanis' tuts A, C, E and selenium) Also contains key vrtamins and minerals plus Ginkgo fttoba as 20mg extract 180 TABLETS £9'95 NORWEGIAN Cod LlVCF Oil 570mg Rich in Vitamins A and D, our 570mg capsules are essential for the maintenance of healthy joints, ston, hair, and strong bones. Concentrated to provide you with Oiriega 3 fatly acids, each capsule provides 50mg of ERA and 7Qmg of DMA 360TABLETS £795 Garlic TRIPLE STRENGTH ijoomg Each odour controlled tablet contains the equrv. of !200mg of fresh Garlic bulb Each tablet s guaranteed to contain 4 4mg of Allnn per table! and an allicm yield of 2000mcg per tablet to help maintain a healthy heart and circulation 3 60 TABLETS £8'95 TAX FREE ORDER FORM TO ORDER: Please fill in order form below, and return it enclosing a cheque or PO made payable to 'Healthspan' and post it to H«althsp»ri, PO Box H. Guernsey GY1 3BT.

Please compare our product prices and quality with those of Our competitors Our prices also include FREE Postage and Packing.

OR BY PHONE: Jung our FREEPHONE number shown below Please quote the code in the box below FREEPHONE 0800 73 12377 Lines open Mot-Sat 9am-6pm OR fax us anytime on 01481713790 tfcuw lOdtyj fvtdtlivtfy nkii • n s »rpr of wdw rfunl you CODE: KNLI'PO Glucosamine + CHONDROITIN Mirroring the naturally costing Glucosamine m your cartilage, each tablet contains SOOmg of Glucosamine Sulphate plus lOOmg of pure Qxjndroilm Sulohate sourced endusrwly from fsh.

Valerian WITH HOPS Our formulation combines SOmg of valenan root extract (wjuiv. to 2SQmg Valenan root) with extract of Lemon Balm (SOmg) and Hops (SOmg) also known for their traditional calming properties 120TABLETS£795 Valerian . r Korean Ginseng Our product contains SOOmg of Korean (Panax) Ginseng Root as 60mg concentrated 10 1 'standardised' extract.

Each tablet will therefore contain at (east I2mg of Ginsenosides - the active ingredients in Ginseng 180 TABLETS £7 95 Selenium WITH VITAMINS A, c & E An essential component of the body's antKwidant enzyme defences, each table! contains 10Omcg of organic (cheiated) selennjm. together with Vitamin A as Beta Carotene and Vitamins C and E at 100% of the EC RDA 3 60 TABLETS £10'95 OR: Please debit my Mastercard / Visa Expires: CWNo Name (Mr, Mn, Mil.

Addmt PttODUCI MKHIPTION (STRENGTH) Ginkgo Bilooa. Concentrated - 3000mg Premium Glucosamtne - Chondroitin NEW 'SO Plus' Vitamins & Minerals NEW Valerian with Hops & Lemon Balm Norwegian Cod Liver Oil - High Strength Korean Ginseng. Panai - 600mg Garlic. Triple Strength - 1200mg Organic Selenium with Vitamins A. C & E TOTAL PRICE INCLUDING FREE PO 360 @ £ 12-95 120@£ 8-95 180 (5) £ 995 120@£ 795 360 @£ 795 180@£ 7-95 360 @£ 8-95 360 © £ 10 95 ITAGE CV PAO QTT ING VALUE £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £.