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For the Yachtsman Skipper's Cockpit Guide ISBN 0713652 799 By Bo Streiffert Published by Adtard Coles Nautical Among our supporters are many people who go to sea both for their work and for their leisure and it is the leisure market at which the Skippers Cockpit Guide is firmly aimed. This laminated, ring-bound guide is a handy reference and could be useful to all seafarers, not just leisure users. It is one of the most comprehensive of these guides that I have seen (and there are several). The illustrations are clear and informative, and the text unambiguous and relevant. It is the sort of book you skim through once, making a mental note of its contents in order to be able to return to it when really needed. Priced at just under £10 and containing 24 pages of information it represents a practical gift for any boat owner.- SUNDERLAND LIFEBOATS 2000) GAUANTFV The Story of the Newhaven Lifeboats The Story of the Eastbourne Lifeboats By Jeff Morris and Dave Hendy Sunderland Lifeboats (1800-2000) By Jeff Morris Published by The Lifeboat Enthusiasts' Society For those of you that are not familiar with them, there is a splendid series of books telling the story of the lifeboats from the various stations around our coasts. These are produced by the Lifeboat Enthusiasts Society and are brimming with carefully researched history and stories that are part of the RNLI tradition. Three new ones are the story of the Newhaven lifeboats, the story of the Eastbourne lifeboats and the 200 year history of the Sunderland lifeboats.

Accompanied by some intriguing photographs the closely packed text is a fascinating read for those of us who cannot fail to be moved by the amazing accounts that these books contain. The Story of the Newhaven Lifeboats is available from Mr R A Fenner, 59 Vale Road, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 3EZ; The Story of the Eastbourne Lifeboats can be obtained from Captain I Shearer, c/o RNLI Museum, The Wish Tower, King Edwards Parade, Eastbourne BN21 4BY and Sunderland Lifeboats 1800-2000 is available from Mr B Robbie, 14 Butsford Gardens, Tunstall, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear SR3 1PN. All books are priced at £3 each plus 50p to cover postage and packaging.

Lifeboat Celebrations By Nicholas Leach Published by the author As everybody will remember 1999 saw the RNLI commemorate its 175th year and many of us were lucky enough to be at Poole for the anniversary celebrations and to see the flotilla of RNLI and overseas lifeboats assemble and sail past on 23 June. Nicholas Leach, author of several authoritative books on the RNLI, has produced, at £3.50 (inc. p&p), a photographic record of all the boats that attended the flotilla and records some of the background of that amazing day. Copies of the book are available direct from the author by writing to Nicholas Leach, 7 High Tress, Birmingham B20 1HS.Recipe Book Compiled by Northampton Ladies Lifeboat Guild Published by the guild It is a common fundraising strategy to get the great and good, or the bad and famous or just friends, relatives and neighbours to contribute recipes so that a recipe book may be published and sold in order to benefit the RNLI. There are many of these but the one produced by the Northampton ladies guild stands out in my mind. The reason fro this is that firstly the contributors range from rugby internationals to famous chefs; and nearly every recipe is accompanied with a reason for inclusion.

These reasons could be those from famous restaurants and must therefore be popular with the diners, to the simple 'my mother used to make it and it's the best I've ever tasted'.

Ranging from delicious sounding main dishes to simple snacks there is something in it for all tastes. The cliche about puddings and proof is very relevant here so I thrust the book at my wife and said 'lets try a couple of these'.

I could hear her grunts of approval every now and then as she skipped through the recipes.

We tried the American Barbecue Pork Chops on a Friday night as it was quick and simple and we were due to go down to our boat later on that evening.

In the cool bag we took the ingredients for the Monkfish and Bacon Kebabs with Tomato and Ginger Chutney which we ate, whilst at anchor, on a very peaceful Saturday evening. It was simply superb - accompanied by a Sauvignon Btanc and served with some new potatoes and a simple medley of vegetables. It was an absolute meal to remember.

This book sells for £6 plus £1 p&p directly from Mrs King, 316-318 Wellingborough Road, Northampton, NN I 4EP. The guild have sold over half the copies they had printed and have raised over £9,000 for the RNLI so far. You really have to try this one..