CRUMBS. ASHES, EVEN.GLASS...WITH EASE! o ordinary sweeper can compete with the super-light Hokf. The world's undisputed No.l floor cleaner. Its unique clean ing features have brought a new dimension to carpet and floor clea it ing in hospitals, rest a it ra nts, airlines, offices, cars, caravans and homes everywhere.
IT CLEANS DIFFERENTLY The Hoky cleans deep down clean.
You don't need to press down hard because its unique cleaning action generates static as you sweep, which attracts and picks up almost anything on practically any kind of surface. Try —•& ««, it in your home on carpets, vinls or even concrete and find that long, easy, si Hikes are all that are needed to keep the wonderfully clean.
GENERATES STATIC TO LIFT OUT DIRT EFFORTLESSLY What's more, because of its unique design which folds down flat and U* employs no less than 5 brushes to dislodge dirt, the I Hoky is perfect for sweeping under furniture. Brushing right up to the skirting boards 'and into the tightest of spots.
It even adjusts to make light work of cleaning the stairs.
IT FEELS SO DIFFERENT The Hoky is so light it weighs only 31bs, which means it's a dream to use. It doesn't use electricity so it's completely free to run and there are no expensive parts to go wrong. There are no cables to trip over, no messy bags to replace and no accessories to loose.
It's easy to empty in one simple Totally different from any other Sweeper you have ever used! Over 15 million people can testify how indispensible this ingenious machine has become to them.
• think this lillte 'Hoky' is marvellous, the best I havs ever used'.
_ Mn W. IE.-II.II SfwMn Abbot.
Worth its weight in gold, ine'.
1 Ski CokhnHi.
7 am up loan advertised claims. I mil recommend 'I to others ' _ !: MI (.EV..IJ Cimbtflrv.
'A very good easy to use sweeper lor a *saWed fwswi like myseH'.
— Mi. 1 Hrnb..- Liverpool.
Split natural bristle finish lasts up to 3 times, lunger than sy train OlrniH Dimensionf 91I2" Song x 9" a/iJt 11" Specitl wloi comb cleans trnifhts tvtotnatictUv Split natural fi'l-ll'i i-.'V'it, . ;i: etch comer clran right up to trails Stores in 4 inch ga movement and takes up practically no storage space.
In fact once you've seen how the Hoky noiselessly and effortlessly uses static to make a clean sweep - all around your home, you'll wonder how you ' ever managed without it.
ACCEPT THE HOKY CHALLENGE We challenge you to try a Hoky FREE for 30 davs. And if it doesn't tackle the most difficult of cleaning jobs to your highest expectations, simply return it after 30 days and we'll give you your money back. That's how sure we are that the Hoky is the best sweeper you can buy.
SO EASY TO USE - EVEN EASIER TO ORDER You can order by Mastercard /Visa card at any time simply by calling (01304) 832221 or fill in the coupon and post today.
ARCADE MASTERCARD/VISA CARDHOLDERS PLACE YOUR ORDER BY CALLING o M M A *% 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK TT~T * f • (01304) Please post to: Arcade, PO Box 213, Dover, Kent CTI5 4GA. Please send me:- lien, i 23T PriHlilil HOKY Sweeper oiy. Price ic*. hi £33.90 ix i.n* t-r Tntjl £ ' encll sc m ch*qu*/P.O. for£ made payable lo ARCADE or please debit my Mastercard ot Visa No.
**"'** [KXPIRYDATrr Signature NanKlC Address Postcode.
PleiMilkr* 28 dijifot delivery. All poces include VAT.
Delivery wbjecl to ivulibihty !] Pfc-iUil,l «** «« . iji t iBt"r«- rf rT ofln. A I 04.